Ohio 3C Quick Start Passenger Rail Service
Environmental Assessment
The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the Ohio Rail Development Commission (ORDC) proposed a program of infrastructure and station improvements to re-establish passenger rail service on the 260-mile rail corridor between Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati (3C Corridor). As proposed the initial service would have up to four passenger daily round trips serving Cleveland, Southwest Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, suburban Dayton, Springfield, North Cincinnati, and Cincinnati. The proposed infrastructure improvements would consist of track infrastructure capacity additions (through sidings, crossovers, and segments of second mainline), signals, track speed improvements, grade crossing safety improvements, stations, equipment, and service, inspection and layover facilities within or adjacent to existing railroad rights-of-way within the corridor to avoid and minimize impacts. The initial operating speed was proposed to be 79 mph.
ODOT and ORDC prepared the 3C Quick Start Passenger Rail Environmental Assessment (EA) for the 3C Quick Start Passenger Rail Project in July 2010 to analyze the potential environmental effects of the program of improvements. The Draft EA was circulated for public and agency review and comment in September 2009 and updated in October 2010. FRA also issued a draft Finding of No Significant Impact in 2010 for the Ohio 3C Quick Start Passenger Rail Service.