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Washington DC Union Station Security Upgrades

An Environmental Assessment (EA) and 4(f) evaluation was prepared for Amtrak security upgrades to Washington Union Station. The FRA issued a Final EA, a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), and a final 4(f) evaluation on July 23, 2008. The Washington Union Station Security Upgrades Environmental Assessment  supplements and dovetails with the Environmental Assessment and Section 4(f) Evaluation - Columbus Circle/Columbus Plaza Rehabilitation, March 2008, prepared by the District of Columbia Department of Transportation. Whereas the Columbus Circle EA focuses specifically on the proposed changes to the vehicular and pedestrian flow and the architectural and landscape modifications to the Circle and Plaza – including the installation of lighting at the curb-line directly in front of the station, the Washington Union Station Security Upgrades EA focuses exclusively on the installation of proposed bollards and hardened planters along the front façade of Washington Union Station.