eLibrary Search
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Other Reports
EVALUATION IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Office of Research & Development
Keywords: Evaluation, program evaluation, technology transfer, knowledge diffusion, evaluation capacity building
Technical Reports
Cognitive and Collaborative Demands of Freight Conductor Activities: Results and Implications of a Cognitive Task Analysis
Keywords: Cognitive task analysis, CTA, freight rail, freight conductor, conductor training, Rail Safety Improvement Act, RSIA, positive train control, PTC, conductor certification
Abstract: This report presents the results of a cognitive task analysis (CTA) that examined the cognitive and collaborative demands placed on conductors, as well as the knowledge and skills...
Research Results
The Impact of Safety Rules Revisions on Safety Culture, Incident Rates, and Liability Claims in the U.S. Railroad Industry
Keywords: Railroad safety culture, safety rules revision, safety rules consolidation, compliance, FELA, Federal Employer’s Liability Act, incident rates, liability claims, lessons-learned
Technical Reports
Verification Methodology for Fault-Tolerant, Fail-Safe Computers Applied to Maglev Control Computer System
Keywords: Magnetic levitation, Maglev, Maglev control computer, Fail safe design, Fault tolerant computer, Design for verifcation methodology, Safety and availability
Abstract: The Maglev control computer system should be designed to verifiably possess high reliability and safety as well as high availability to make Maglev a dependable and attractive...
Technical Reports
15th Railroad Engineering Conference Proceedings, Railroad R&D Challenges of the 80's : Opportunities & Obstacles
Abstract: This report constitutes the proceedings of the 15th Railroad Engineering Conference held at TSC on October 21-23, 1979. Conference papers were delivered by various industry and...