Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Information from FRA
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) (Pub. L. 117-58), signed into law on November 15, 2021, represents a generational investment in America’s intermodal transportation system of which freight and intercity passenger rail are an integral part and an engine of our economy. This investment is:
- Making our nation’s rail network safer, more reliable and resilient
- Improving the lives of Americans, creating good-paying jobs, and laying the foundation for America to compete in the 21st Century
What Does This Mean for FRA?
The IIJA provides unprecedented federal funding for rail improvement projects in America. Over fiscal years 2022-2026, that means greatly expanding existing Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) programs and creating new programs to enhance our nation’s rail network. The IIJA includes $102 billion in total rail funding, including $66 billion from advanced appropriations, and $36 billion in authorized funding.
Recent Milestones
Restoration and Enhancement Grant Program Selections Announcement – January 10, 2025
FRA announced that it has awarded more than $146 million in funding to strengthen intercity passenger rail service through the expanded Restoration and Enhancement Grant Program. This FY21-24 funding, which comes in part from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, will help position six newly initiated, restored, or enhanced passenger rail routes for long-term success.
Railroad Crossing Elimination Grant Program Selections Announcement – January 10, 2025
FRA announced that it has awarded more than $1.1 billion in Railroad Crossing Elimination (RCE) Grant Program funding to 123 rail projects in 41 states. This represents the largest single investment in grade crossing safety in FRA's history for projects to improve more than 1,000 grade crossings nationwide. Selected projects include the construction of railroad overpasses and underpasses, safety upgrades that will save lives, and improvements that will result in safer communities for pedestrians and motorists as well as rail workers and riders.
November 2024
Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail (Northeast Corridor) Selections Announcement – November 15, 2024
FRA announced that it has awarded nearly $1.5 billion in Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail (FSP) Grant Program funding to 19 projects along the Northeast Corridor (NEC), which runs from Washington, D.C., to Boston, Massachusetts. Projects selected will further repair and replace vital NEC infrastructure to provide faster, safer, and more reliable service on America’s busiest intercity passenger rail corridor. Projects selected in this funding round will replace aging catenary structures susceptible to failures that contribute to travel delays; improve signal systems necessary to increase capacity, operating speeds, and safety; and support planning activities to expand Washington Union Station in the Nation’s capital. These projects and others will further reduce the state-of-good-repair backlog on the corridor.
October 2024
Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Grant Program Selections Announcement – October 29, 2024
FRA announced that it has awarded more than $2.4 billion in CRISI Program funding to 122 rail improvement projects in 41 states. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act quadrupled the amount of funding available under the CRISI Program for projects that improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of intercity passenger and freight rail. In particular, FY23-24 CRISI selections represent projects that upgrade track, replace or rehabilitate aging bridges, expand rail connections at ports, add modern locomotives to fleets, and more. Selected projects will mitigate freight and passenger rail congestion to support more efficient movement of people and goods, enhance multi-modal connections, and lead to new or substantially improved intercity passenger rail transportation corridors.
Corridor Identification and Development Program: Implementing Process Improvements for Steps 1 and 2 Webinar – October 22, 2024
FRA hosted a webinar to provide an in-depth look at Corridor Identification and Development (Corridor ID) Program policy updates announced during the FRA Rail Program Delivery Workshop and presented at the 2024 AASHTO Council on Rail Transportation Annual Meeting. The recent policy updates aim to meet project sponsors where they are and help them move through the Corridor ID Program more quickly. The webinar will also touch on the possible variations in the Service Development Plan and how they are scoped in Step 1 and then implemented in Step 2.
- To view presentation materials from the October 22, 2024, webinar and other Corridor ID Program webinars, visit FRA's Webinars page, Corridor ID Program drop-down.
September 2024
Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail (FSP) Grant Program (National) – September 30, 2024
The Federal-State Partnership (FSP) Program makes available $1,057,596,637 to fund capital projects that reduce the state of good repair backlog, improve performance, or expand or establish new intercity passenger rail service for projects not located on the Northeast Corridor (NEC). The total amount of FY 2024 funding made available for projects not located on the NEC from IIJA 2024 Advance Appropriations and the 2024 Appropriation is $2,232,000,000. From this amount, FRA intends to obligate up to $1,212,765,863 to fulfill FY 2024 contingent commitments to FSP projects previously selected for Phased Funding Agreements under the FY 2022-2023 FSP-National NOFO.
- To view presentation materials from the October 10, 2024, FY24 FSP-National NOFO Webinar and other FSP-National Outreach events, visit FRA's Webinars page, FSP drop-down.
August 2024
Corridor ID Program: Policy and Programmatic Updates Webinar – August 7, 2024
FRA hosted a webinar to explore in more detail post-obligation next steps of the FY22 Corridor Identification and Development Grant Program.
As well as providing a brief overview of FRA’s CID Program, FRA staff offered guidance on how to create a Service Development Plan (SDP) for proposed corridor improvements. FRA staff also discussed the process of transitioning between the various Corridor ID program steps and provided policy updates on the development of the SDP scope, project schedule, and budget under Step 1 of the program.
- To view presentation materials from the August 7, 2024, webinar, visit FRA's Webinars web page.
July 2024
FY 2023-2024 Railroad Crossing Elimination (RCE) Grant Program NOFO Webinar - July 25, 2024
FRA announced the availability of $1,148,809,580 in funding for the Railroad Crossing Elimination (RCE) Grant Program for highway-rail or pathway-rail grade crossing improvement projects that focus on improving the safety and mobility of people and goods. Applications are due no later than 11:59 pm ET on September 23, 2024. See the FY 2023-2024 RCE NOFO for more information.
- To view presentation materials from the July 25, 2024, webinar, visit FRA's Webinars web page.
FY 2021-2024 Restoration and Enhancement Grant Program NOFO Webinar - July 24, 2024
FRA provided an overview of the FY21-24 Restoration and Enhancement (R&E) Grant Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and the application, submission, and evaluation process.
The FY21-24 R&E NOFO makes available $153,845,680 in funding assistance for initiating, restoring, or enhancing intercity passenger rail transportation. Applications are due no later than 11:59 pm ET on September 30, 2024.
- To view presentation materials from the July 24, 2024, webinar, visit FRA's Webinars web page.
FRA’s Corridor Identification and Development (CID) Program Website – July 23, 2024
The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) announces the launch of a new tool and website to assist Corridor Identification and Development (CID) Program grantees and other stakeholders: the Corridor Identification and Development (CID) Program StoryMap. This interactive resource provides stakeholders with an overview of the CID Program, details about the 69 FY22 CID selected corridors, and shows their locations.
Authorized and established under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the CID Program advances the planning and development of intercity passenger rail services across the United States. Selected corridors will build out a pipeline of passenger rail projects in every region of the country to achieve FRA’s IIJA vision of world-class passenger rail. These corridors will add new passenger rail service to cities that have historically lacked access to America’s rail network, connecting residents to jobs, healthcare, and educational opportunities. Investments will repair aging rail infrastructure to increase train speeds, reduce delays, benefit freight rail supply chains to boost America’s economy, significantly reduce greenhouse emissions, and create jobs. Progress updates on selected corridors will be posted on the CID StoryMap (coming soon).
FRA Corridor ID Obligation Status Update - July 5, 2024
As of July 5, 2024, FRA has obligated over 80 percent of its Step 1 grant agreements under the Corridor Identification and Development (Corridor ID) Program. Additionally, on July 3, 2024, FRA obligated its first Step 2 grant agreement, for Amtrak’s Texas High-Speed Rail Corridor.
Please see FRA's Corridor ID Obligation Status Report for information about future Corridor ID project grant obligations.
May 2024
FRA Collaborative Investigation Reporting Environment (iCARE) – May 24, 2024
FRA developed a new tool for stakeholders and FRA to collaborate and share information related to identified FRA accident investigations. Section 22417 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act directed FRA to create a standard process for gathering information and, when appropriate, consulting with stakeholders about an accident under investigation. The iCARE MS SharePoint portal provides stakeholders a standard methodology for submissions of documentation, information, evidence, and subject-matter expert analysis related to certain FRA accident investigations. It also provides FRA with a standard methodology for sharing information with stakeholders during an accident investigation.
After submission, all non-confidential records uploaded will be shared with the FRA investigation team and approved stakeholders for review and analysis. When appropriate, FRA will share records with stakeholders using the iCARE portal.
View the iCARE flyer to learn more.
Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail (FSP) Grant Program (Northeast Corridor) - May 14, 2024
The Federal-State Partnership (FSP) Program makes available $2,034,420,932 to fund capital projects that reduce the state of good repair backlog, improve performance, or expand or establish new intercity passenger rail service along the Northeast Corridor (NEC).
Visit FRA's Webinars page to view presentation materials from the May 23, 2024, FY 2024 FSP-NEC NOFO Webinar.
April 2024
FY23-24 Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements NOFO Webinar – April 9,2024
FRA provided an overview of the FY23-24 Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and the application, submission, and review and evaluation process.
The FY23-24 CRISI Grant Program makes available more than $2.4 billion for freight and intercity passenger rail projects that improve transportation safety, efficiency, and reliability. Eligible projects include those that address congestion challenges, highway-rail grade crossings, upgrade short line or regional railroad infrastructure, relocate rail lines, improve intercity passenger rail capital assets, and target railroad trespassing. At least 25 percent of available funds are reserved for projects in rural communities.
- Visit FRA's Webinars page to view presentation materials from the April 9, 2024, FY23-24 CRISI NOFO Webinar.
January 2024
FRA Locomotive Emissions Comparison Tool – January 17, 2024
FRA launched a new resource for potential grantees seeking funding to help replace or upgrade older locomotives. FRA's Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) and Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail (FSP) grant programs can provide funding for replacing diesel engines with newer versions or with alternative-fuel engines. The Locomotive Emissions Comparison Tool helps potential grantees estimate emission reductions for their grant applications for such engine replacement projects.
FRA's Locomotive Emissions Comparison Resources:
• FRA Locomotive Emissions Comparison Tool
• FRA Locomotive Emissions Comparison Tool User Guide
• FRA Locomotive Emissions Comparison Tool Emissions Data Documentation
Look for more information at an upcoming grant program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) webinar.
December 2023
Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail (National) Selections – December 8, 2023
FRA announced that it has awarded over $8 billion in FY22-23 Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail funding to ten projects in nine states. Projects will reduce the state of good repair backlog, improve performance, or expand or establish new intercity passenger rail service for projects, to include the first high-speed passenger rail service, not located on the Northeast Corridor. These historic projects will create tens of thousands of good-paying jobs—including 4,000 permanent union jobs; unlock economic opportunity for communities across the country; and open up safe, comfortable, and climate-friendly travel options to get people to destinations in a fraction of the time it takes to drive.
Corridor Identification and Development (Corridor ID) Selections – December 8, 2023
FRA announced that it has awarded over $34 million in FY22 Corridor Identification and Development funding to 69 corridors across 44 states. Corridors selected will build out a pipeline of passenger rail projects in every region of the country in order to achieve the President’s vision of world-class passenger rail. These corridors will add new passenger rail service to cities that have historically lacked access to America’s rail network, connecting residents to jobs, healthcare, and educational opportunities. Investments will repair aging rail infrastructure to increase train speeds, reduce delays, benefit freight rail supply chains to boost America’s economy, significantly reduce greenhouse emissions, and create good-paying union jobs.
November 2023
Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail (Northeast Corridor) Selections Announcement – November 6, 2023
FRA announced that it has awarded over $16.4 billion in Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail funding to 25 projects along the Northeast Corridor (NEC). Projects will modernize or replace vital infrastructure such as bridges and tunnels that are over 100 years old in communities running from Washington, D.C., to Boston, Massachusetts. These overhauls will decrease disruptions and delays, allow for increased speeds in the corridor, and improve the resiliency of NEC services. Several projects will bring heavily used infrastructure that has surpassed its useful life into a state of good repair, promoting heightened safety and building capacity for future growth.
September 2023
FRA Announces First of its Kind FY 2022-2023 Rail Research and Development Center of Excellence Program Grant Award – September 29, 2023
FRA announced the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) as the selected institution for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-2023 Rail Research and Development Center of Excellence (CoE) program. UIUC has been awarded up to $5,000,000 to establish the National University Rail Center of Excellence (NURail CoE), a pioneering initiative comprising a consortium of nine partner institutions. The NURail CoE will appropriate its resources towards research areas encompassing a wide range of critical topics, which may include the development of groundbreaking technologies to advance rolling stock, Positive Train Control systems, human factors, rail infrastructure enhancements, shared corridor solutions, grade crossing safety innovations, trespasser prevention strategies, inspection technology advancements, remote sensing applications, rail systems maintenance approaches, network resiliency solutions, operational reliability enhancements, energy efficiency measures, and other pioneering subjects aimed at promoting and improving rail transportation. The NURail CoE is set to operate for a three-year duration, allowing ample time for the pursuit of transformative rail solutions and innovations that will contribute to a safer and more modern rail network across the country.
Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Grant Program Selections Announcement – September 25, 2023
FRA announced that it has awarded more than $1.4 billion in CRISI Program funding to 70 rail improvement projects in 35 states. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act quadrupled the amount of funding available under the CRISI Program for projects that improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of intercity passenger and freight rail. In particular, FY22 CRISI selections represent projects that support community safety through track improvements, bridge rehabilitations, fewer highway-rail grade crossings, upgrades on routes carrying hazardous materials, and more. Selected projects also improve connectivity, reduce shipping costs, increase resiliency to extreme weather, reduce emissions, and support workforce development.
FRA Answers to FAQs about Pre-Award Authority - September 22, 2023
FRA published a FAQs resource to assist project sponsors with obtaining pre-award authority for activities funded under FRA grants other than Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail (FSP) Northeast Corridor (NEC) grants. Pre-award authority under this policy allows certain projects to incur costs after selection but before the grant is obligated. For additional information, see 2CFR 200.458.
August 2023
FY22 Corridor Identification and Development Grant Program Webinar – August 23, 2023
FRA provided an overview of post-selection next steps for the Corridor Identification and Development (Corridor ID) Grant Program.
The Corridor ID Program was created by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to guide the development of new and enhanced intercity passenger rail services that will help bolster economic growth throughout the United States. FRA originally published its Notice of Solicitation of Corridor Proposals and Funding for the Corridor Identification and Development Program on December 20, 2022. An amendment to this Notice extended the due date for applications to the Corridor ID Grant Program to March 27, 2023.
The webinar offered detail on FRA’s approach to the three corridor development steps outlined in the Notice of Solicitation and share guidance, helpful hints, and best practices for completing the Statement of Work required for selected corridor projects. The Corridor ID Program Service Development Plan Statement of Work Framework is now available on the Corridor ID Program webpage.
- To view presentation materials from the August 23, 2023, and other webinars related to the Corridor ID Program, visit FRA's Webinars webpage.
Special Transportation Circumstances Grant Program – August 18, 2023
FRA announced the availability of $139 million in funding through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act for the Special Transportation Circumstances (STC) Grant Program. This program provides directed grant funding under the Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements, Railroad Crossing Elimination, Interstate Rail Compacts, and the Restoration and Enhancement grant programs to certain states that lack intercity passenger rail service or that are not connected to the national rail system. Current eligible recipients for the STC program are Alaska, South Dakota, and Wyoming.
June 2023
Railroad Crossing Elimination Grant Program Selections Announcement – June 5, 2023
FRA announced that it has awarded more than $570 million in Railroad Crossing Elimination (RCE) Grant Program funding to projects in 32 states. This inaugural round of funding will address more than 400 at-grade crossings nationwide, improve safety, and make it easier to get around railroad tracks by adding grade separations, closing at-grade crossings, and improving existing at-grade crossings where train tracks and roads intersect.
May 2023
Interstate Rail Compacts Grant Program Webinar – May 24, 2023
FRA will provide an overview of the FY22-23 Interstate Rail Compacts Grant Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and the application, submission, and review and evaluation process.
On May 9, FRA announced the availability of $5,815,800 in funding to provide financial assistance to new and existing interstate rail compacts. Rail compacts are established in law by member States passing identical or near-identical legislation, to develop and advance intercity passenger rail service. The grant program can fund the technical and administrative functions of interstate rail compacts in addition to supporting coordination and promotion activities for rail services within a region.
- To view training and guidance materials related to the Interstate Rail Compacts Grant Program, visit FRA’s Webinars webpage.
Rail Research and Development Center of Excellence Notice of Funding Opportunity – May 1, 2023
FRA recently announced the availability of $5,000,000 in funding to advance research and development efforts that seek to improve the safety, performance, and sustainability of freight, intercity passenger, and commuter rail. Eligible applicants include those with strong past performance related to rail research, education, and workforce development activities such as research that includes climate and clean energy priorities, workforce development goals, Minority Serving Institution (MSl)/Historically Black College and University (HBCU) participation, a commitment to underrepresented/underserved communities and economic equity, and the involvement of public- and private-sector passenger and freight railroads.
- To view presentation materials from the May 31, 2023, Rail Research and Development Center of Excellence NOFO Webinar, visit FRA's Webinars webpage.
March 2023
Advancing High-Speed Rail Projects Through Domestic Sourcing Plans and Buy America Compliance Notice – March 21, 2023
FRA issued a notice to encourage the development of high-speed rail (HSR) system projects (with operations over 160 miles per hour) by establishing a streamlined process for reviewing domestic sourcing and workforce plans. The notice invites HSR project sponsors to voluntarily submit for review, in advance of receipt of DOT funding, their domestic sourcing and workforce plans. The notice further clarifies the December 7, 2022, Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Program (FSP-National) Notice of Funding Opportunity.
Advance and Pre-Award Costs for the Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Program: Northeast Corridor Grants – March 2023
FRA published a notice and FAQs regarding advance and pre-award costs for Federal State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail (FSP) Northeast Corridor (NEC) (FSP-NEC) projects. This policy allows certain projects to incur costs prior to selection for and obligation of a grant award.
February 2023
Corridor Identification and Development Program Deadline Extension
The Corridor ID Program was created by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to guide the development of new and enhanced intercity passenger rail services that will help bolster economic growth throughout the United States. FRA originally published its Notice of Solicitation of Corridor Proposals and Funding for the Corridor Identification and Development Program on December 20, 2022, but recently released an amendment to this notice in the Federal Register.
- To view presentation materials from other webinars related to the Corridor Identification and Development Program, visit FRA's Webinars webpage.
Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Grant Program (FSP-National) Additional Funding and Deadline Extension
FRA has been authorized to include an additional $2.2 billion in FY 2022-2023 funding to the Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Grant Program. Over $4.5 billion in funding is now available for capital projects not located on the Northeast Corridor (FSP-National) that reduce the state of good repair backlog, improve performance, or expand or establish new intercity passenger rail service, including privately operated intercity passenger rail service. See the FY 2022-2023 FSP-National Notice of Funding Opportunity amendment for more information.
- To view presentation materials from both Federal-State Partnership Program NOFO webinars and subsequent Information Sessions, visit FRA's Webinars webpage.
January 2023
Guidance on Development and Implementation of Railroad Capital Projects – January 12, 2023
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provides unprecedented Federal funding for rail improvement projects in America. To effectively manage this investment, FRA has published the final Guidance on Development and Implementation of Railroad Capital Projects to establish clear practices and set expectations for the development and implementation of railroad capital projects that may be funded, in whole or in part, by FRA.
On June 28, 2022, FRA published a Notice of Proposed Guidance in the Federal Register to seek public comment on its proposed approaches. Public input shaped the final guidance, which will assist project sponsors in the development of effective and complete capital projects and enhance management of project schedules and budgets.
FRA also hosted a July 13, 2022, webinar in conjunction with the release of the Notice of Proposed Guidance. To view webinar presentation materials, visit FRA's Webinars webpage.
Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail-Northeast Corridor Grant Program (FSP-NEC) Webinar – January 12, 2023
FRA hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail (FSP-Northeast Corridor [NEC]) FY 2022–2023 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), and the application, submission, and review and evaluation process.
The FSP-NEC NOFO announces the availability of nearly $9 billion in FY 2022 and FY 2023 Federal-State Partnership Program funds for capital projects that reduce the state of good repair backlog, improve performance, and/or expand or establish new intercity passenger rail service for projects located on the Northeast Corridor.
- To view presentation materials from both Federal-State Partnership Program NOFO webinars and subsequent Information Sessions, visit FRA's Webinars webpage.
December 2022
Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Grant Program (FSP-National) Webinar – December 15, 2022
FRA will provide an overview of the FY22 Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Grant Program (FSP-National) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), and the application, submission, and review and evaluation process.
Expanded under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Federal-State Partnership Program funds capital projects that reduce the state of good repair backlog, improve performance, or expand or establish new intercity passenger rail service. The FY22 Federal-State Partnership Program (FSP-National) provides funding for projects located outside the Northeast Corridor.
- To view presentation materials from the December 15, 2022, FY22 Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Grant Program (FSP-National) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Webinar, visit FRA's Webinars webpage.
November 2022
Northeast Corridor Project Inventory – November 15, 2022
FRA issued a list of priority projects in the Northeast Corridor (NEC), a railroad line that spans from Boston to Washington, D.C. This list, the NEC Project Inventory, establishes a systematic approach for improving the commuter and intercity passenger rail backbone of the region’s rail network. The Inventory creates a project pipeline to assist Amtrak, States, and the public with long-term planning that will improve service. It will guide up to $24 billion in funding that FRA is investing in NEC intercity passenger rail service through the Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Grant Program (Partnership Program).
The NEC is critical to the American economy. It is America’s busiest intercity passenger rail corridor, serving 800,000 passengers daily pre-pandemic and spanning an area that accounts for 20% of the national GDP. This initial NEC Project Inventory includes a total of 68 projects divided into 15 Major Backlog Projects and 53 Capital Renewal, Stations, and Improvement Projects. These projects reverse a decades-long underinvestment in the country’s infrastructure by proposing replacement and rehabilitation of vital rail assets in addition to major rail station upgrades and expansions. FRA will publish subsequent versions of the NEC Project Inventory at least once every two years.
September 2022
Corridor Identification and Development Program Information Session – September 27, 2022
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act also authorizes the new Corridor Identification and Development Program, which creates a framework to facilitate the development of new, enhanced, and restored intercity passenger rail corridors throughout the country.
FRA will hold an informational session to provide additional information about the development of the Corridor Identification and Development Program. FRA encourages eligible entities to attend and learn more about the Corridor Identification and Development Program as FRA works towards the formal solicitation of proposals for the program. Additionally, eligible entities are encouraged to submit expressions of interest in the program consistent with the directions within the Establishment of the Corridor Identification and Development Program notice in the Federal Register.
- To view webinar presentation materials, visit FRA's Webinars webpage.
Interstate Rail Compact Grant Program Listening Session – September 8, 2022
Under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the new Interstate Rail Compact (IRC) Grant Program allows FRA to provide financial assistance to new and existing interstate rail compacts, which are established in law by member States passing identical or near-identical legislation, to develop and advance intercity passenger rail service. The Interstate Rail Compact Grant Program can fund the technical and administrative functions of interstate rail compacts in addition to supporting coordination and promotion activities for rail services within a region.
In support of the Notice of Funding Opportunity, to be published later this year, FRA published a Request for Information (RFI) in the Federal Register and held a listening session on September 8, 2022, to gather input from stakeholders on the implementation of the IRC Grant Program. Stakeholders may submit comments to the Request for Information to the Federal Register until 5 p.m. ET, September 19, 2022.
Visit FRA's Webinars webpage (under Grants & Loans) to see training and guidance materials related to the IRC Grant Program:
- IRC RFI Listening Session – September 8, 2022
- Interstate Rail Compact Grant Program Webinar - June 16, 2022
July 2022
Railroad Crossing Elimination Grant Program Webinar – July 14, 2022
The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) will provide an overview of the new Railroad Crossing Elimination (RCE) Grant Program established under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and its FY 2022 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). The purpose of the RCE Grant Program is to provide funding for highway-rail and pathway-rail grade crossing improvement projects that focus on improving the safety and mobility of people and goods. The RCE Program will benefit infrastructure throughout the country, including in tribal and rural communities, and in U.S. territories and possessions.
- To view webinar presentation materials, visit FRA's Webinars webpage.
Long Distance Amtrak Study: Request for Proposals – July 1, 2022
Section 22214 of Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) of 2021 requires the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) (under delegation from the Secretary) to conduct an Amtrak Daily Long-Distance Service Study to evaluate the restoration of daily intercity rail passenger service along 1) any Amtrak long-distance routes that have been discontinued, and 2) any Amtrak long-distance routes that occur on a non-daily basis. It also notes that FRA may evaluate potential new Amtrak long-distance routes, including those that were in service as of April 1971 but not continued by Amtrak.
To support FRA in the development of the Amtrak Daily Long-Distance Service Study, FRA is soliciting Request for Proposals (RFP) for contracting support to provide project management support, transportation planning analyses, consultation strategies, stakeholder outreach opportunities, and other technical services. The RFP was released on July 1st, 2022 under the General Services Administration’s (GSA) One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS) Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity Contract, and provided to contractors under OASIS Pool 1, Engineering Services (NAICS Code: 541330). The RFP for the task order under OASIS is only available through GSA OASIS Pool 1 in accordance with GSA solicitation instructions for OASIS. Questions from contractors on the RFP are due to FRA by 12:00 noon EST on Wednesday, July 20th, 2022. Contractor proposals to the RFP are due to FRA by 1:00pm EST on Tuesday, July 26th, 2022.
June 2022
Railroad Capital Project Guidance – June 28, 2022
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provides unprecedented Federal funding for rail improvement projects in America. To effectively manage this investment, FRA will establish clear practices and procedures for the development and implementation of railroad capital projects through the issuance of agency guidance.
FRA has published a Notice of Proposed Guidance in the Federal Register and is seeking comments on its proposed approaches. FRA intends for final guidance to assist project sponsors in the development of effective and complete capital projects and enhance management of project schedules and budgets.
To read the Notice of Proposed Guidance for Railroad Capital Projects and provide written comments for consideration, visit the Federal Register page.
- To view webinar presentation materials, visit FRA's Webinars webpage.
Notice of Approach on the Northeast Corridor Project Inventory – June 24, 2022
In addition to providing $24 billion in Advance Appropriations for projects along the Northeast Corridor (NEC), the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act amends and expands project eligibility for the Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail (FSP) Program. With this expansion, USDOT is required to create and publish an inventory of projects along the NEC that will be funded by the $24 billion investment.
FRA has published a Notice of Approach in the Federal Register and is seeking comments on its interpretation and planned implementation of the FSP Program for projects along the NEC. Input gathered from the Public Notice will help inform the development of the NEC Project Inventory and FSP Program administration, as it relates to projects along the NEC.
To read the Notice of Approach on the Northeast Corridor Project Inventory and provide written comments for consideration, visit the Federal Register page.
Interstate Rail Compact Grant Program Webinar – June 16, 2022
Under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the new Interstate Rail Compact Grant Program will provide funding to entities implementing an interstate rail compact for the administrative costs of the compact and for conducting railroad systems planning, promoting intercity passenger rail operations, and preparing grant applications. Pursuant to Section 410 of the Amtrak Reform and Accountability Act of 1977 (49 U.S.C. 24101), an interstate rail compact consists of state partners who come together to promote, coordinate, and support regional improvements to passenger rail service.
- To view the webinar recording and presentation materials, visit FRA's Webinars webpage.
May 2022
Corridor Identification and Development Program Framework – May 2022
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act also authorizes new programs including the Corridor Identification and Development Program, which creates a framework to facilitate the development of new, enhanced, and restored intercity passenger rail corridors throughout the country.
FRA recently published the Establishment of the Corridor Identification and Development Program and FRA encourages eligible entities to submit expressions of interest in the Corridor ID Program consistent with the directions within the establishment document. In addition FRA plans to publish a notice soliciting proposals by eligible entities to participate in the Corridor ID Program in the last quarter of 2022.
April 2022
Calendar of Upcoming FRA Publications – April 2022
Stakeholders can now view a calendar of upcoming FRA publications through the end of 2022. This calendar will increase transparency into FRA’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act implementation process and help stakeholders prepare applications in response to upcoming Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). All NOFOs will be published in the Federal Register as well as on FRA’s Competitive Discretionary Grants page once the application process opens. Information about other stakeholder engagement opportunities listed on the calendar will also be posted on this Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act page as they become available.
Railroad Crossing Elimination Listening Session – April 2022
The Railroad Crossing Elimination Program is a new program authorized under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to fund highway-rail grade crossing improvement projects that focus on improving the safety and mobility of people and goods. FRA recently held listening sessions to gather input from stakeholders on the implementation of the program.
February 2022
Corridor Identification and Development Program – February 2022
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act also authorizes new programs including the Corridor Identification and Development Program, which creates a framework to facilitate the development of new, enhanced, and restored intercity passenger rail corridors throughout the country.
FRA recently published a Request for Information in the Federal Register and held listening sessions to gather input from stakeholders on the implementation of the Corridor ID Program. Written comments were requested by March 9, 2022.
Funding Opportunities
FRA encourages you to periodically check the FRA website for updates and information on how to apply for IIJA grant funding. Grant funding is made available through Notices of Funding Opportunity posted in the Federal Register. General information about FRA’s grant programs is also available under the Discretionary Grant Programs section of FRA’s website. If you would like to be added to FRA’s mailing list to learn about future NOFOs and webinars, please subscribe and select “Program Delivery” announcements.
Calendar of FRA Publications CY 2025
FRA Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Funding Table
IIJA Amendments to Subtitle V of Title 49 U.S.C. with FRA redline
- This document shows FRA’s review of Subtitle V (Rail Programs) of title 49, United States Code, as amended by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Updated: January 2022
Fact Sheets:
- Tools/Resources for FRA Discretionary Grant Applicants
- Amtrak Annual Grants
- Amtrak Supplemental Authorizations Grants
- Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Safety Fact Sheet
- Consolidated Rail Infrastructure & Safety Improvements Grant Program
- Consolidated Rail Infrastructure & Safety Improvements Workforce Development Fact Sheet
- Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Grant Program
- Interstate Rail Compacts Grants Fact Sheet
- Railroad Crossing Elimination Grant Program
- Restoration and Enhancements Grant Program
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Stakeholder Presentations:
- Interstate Rail Compact Program Request for Information Listening Session (September 8, 2022)
- Railroad Crossing Elimination Listening Session Presentation (April 2022)
- Railroad Crossing Elimination and Grade Crossing Safety Improvements (March 16,2022)
- White House Guidebook for States, Local Governments, Tribal Nations & Territories Webinar 5: Rail Presentation (February 28, 2022)
- Corridor Identification and Development Program Listening Session Presentation (February 2022)
- State and Local Elected Officials Listening Session (December 3, 2021)
General Resources:
U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Information