eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Productivity and Prices in the U.S. Rail Industry: Experience from 1965 to 1995 and Prospects for the Future
Keywords: Rail Freight Service Productivity, Rail Prices, Productivity Improvements, Deregulation
Abstract: This paper documents the major changes in rail freight service productivity and the overall changes in rail prices over the period 1965 to 1995. Over this period, productivity...
Technical Reports
Wood Tie Track Resistance Characterization and Correlations Study
Keywords: Lateral Resistance; Longitudinal Resistance; Track Lateral stability; field tests; single tie push test
Abstract: The work presented here is part of a major program to evaluate lateral buckling of continuous welded rail (CUR) tracks. The program to develop the technical information to support...
Technical Reports
Field Testing of High Degree Revenue Service Track for Buckling Safety Assessment
Keywords: Continuously Welded Rail, Buckling, Thermal Effects
Abstract: This report presents the results of a field study of high degree curves in continuous welded rail (CWR) territory. This program was conducted at two test sites: a 10 degree curve...
Technical Reports
High Speed Passenger Trains in Freight Railroad Corridors: Operations and Safety Considerations
Keywords: Transportation; safety; high-speed rail; rail operations; safety and
Abstract: This report presents the results of a study into some operations and technical issues likely to be encountered when planning for high-speed rail passenger service on corridors...
Other Reports
Selected Fatality Study : Task Force for On-Track Safety : January, 1986 - September, 1994