eLibrary Search
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Other Reports
One-Dimensional Problem of a Thick-Walled Cylinder Subjected to Internal Pressure and Combined Load Analysis of Plastic and Residual Strains
Keywords: Stress, Strains, Data Analysis
Abstract: [From the Introduction] This report presents plastic and residual strains corresponding to residual stresses obtained for two one-dimensional test problems using a thick-walled...
Historical Documents
Final Report on The National Maglev Initiative
Keywords: maglev, high-speed ground transportation, intercity transportation, magnetic levitation, German maglev system, TGV, maglev economics, maglev technology
Technical Reports
Experimental Study of Residual Stresses in Rail by Moire Interferometry
Keywords: Rail, Rail Stress, Track
Abstract: The residual stresses in rails produced by rolling cycles are studied experimentally by moire interferometry. The dissection technique is adopted for this investigation. The basic...
Technical Reports
Stress Reconstruction Analysis of Wheel Saw Cut Tests and Evaluation of Reconstruction Procedure
Keywords: Residual Stress; Saw Cut Tests; Wheels
Abstract: This report is the fourth in a series of engineering studies on railroad vehicle wheel performance. The results of saw cut tests performed on one new and one used wheel designed...
Technical Reports
Safety of High Speed Magnetic Levitation Transportation Systems: Comparison of U.S. and Foreign Safety Requirements for Application to U.S. Maglev Systems
Keywords: Magnetic levitation, Maglev, high speed ground transportation, Passenger trains,
Abstract: This report presents the results of a systematic review of the safety requirements selected for the German Transrapid electromagnetic (EMS) type maglev system to determine...