eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Analysis of Lateral Rail Restraint
Keywords: Rail Restraint, Gauge Widening, Rail Deflection
Abstract: Rail restraint failure is one of the most prevalent derailment modes in railroad operation. Analytical and experimental investigations of track gauge widening have been undertaken...
Technical Reports
Analytic Studies of the Relationship Between Track Geometry Variations and Derailment Potential at Low Speeds
Keywords: Computer Simulation, Mathematical Dynamic Curving, Hunting, Wheel Rail Forces, Profiles, Track Safety Standards
Abstract: This report describes analytical studies carried out to define the relationship between track parameters and safety from derailment. Problematic track scenarios are identified...
Technical Reports
Optimization of the Design of Electric Traction Motors for Railroad and Other Applications
Keywords: Polyphase, Three-Phase, Induction, Synchronous, Power Conditioner, Rectifier, Inverter
Abstract: This report summarizes the results of an effort aimed at the optimization of the design of electric traction motors for railroad and other applications. Earlier extensive studies...
Technical Reports
Ballast and Subgrade Requirements Study: Railroad Track Substructure – Materials Evaluation and Stabilization Practices
Keywords: Railroad Track; Ballast; Subgrade; Sub-ballast; Substructure; Field Tests; Laboratory Tests; Performance
Abstract: Earth materials--i.e., soil and rock--form the substructure of all railroad track. In this report, the functions and performance characteristics of each of the substructure...
Technical Reports
Ballast and Subgrade Requirements Study: Railroad Track Substructure – Design and Performance Evaluation Practices
Keywords: Railroad Track; Ballast; Subgrade; Subballast; Substructure; Design; Analysis; Performance and Evaluation; Analytical Models; Permanent Deformation; Lateral Loads
Abstract: Earth Materials- i.e., soil and rock- form the substructure (ballast, subballast, and subgrade) of all railroad track. In this report, the most suitable technology and design...