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Technical Reports
An Experimental Evaluation of a Full-Scale Single-Sided Linear Induction Motor with Different Reaction Rails: Volume II - Supplementary Data
Keywords: High Speed Ground Transportation, Rail Car Propulsion Systems, Comparison
Abstract: This document presents supplementary data to Volume I: Test Results. It contains computer plots of all valid onboard data processed for 125 test runs, including baseline reaction...
Technical Reports
Angle of Attack and Wheel-Rail Wear
Keywords: Wear Index, Wear Rate, Adhesion, Creepage, Flange Force, Flange Wear
Abstract: Angle of attack is one of the most important parameters influencing wheel and rail wear. Some experiments conducted on the IIT-GMEMD 1/4.5 test facility to study wear of wheels...
Technical Reports
Design Studies on Iron-Core Synchronously Operating Linear Motors
Keywords: Inductor Motors, Claw-Pole Motors, Motor Design
Abstract: This report concerns the design of iron-core synchronously-operating linear motors with passive rail track. Claw-pole and homopolar inductor motors were the 2 basic types...
Technical Reports
Dynamic Analysis of a Vehicle/Bridge System for Calculation of Impact Loads
Keywords: Bridge Design, Bridge Impact, Bridge Stresses, Mathematical Model
Abstract: A mathematical model to obtain various generalized physical properties, such as mass, stiffness, damping and loads, has been derived to evaluate the dynamic response of a coupled...
Technical Reports
Power Conditioning Hardware for AC Traction Based on the Utilization of TLRV Hardware and Technology
Keywords: Tracked Levitated Research Vehicle, Railroad Traction, Power Converters, AC Traction Motors, Torque Pulsation, Two-Phase Cooling
Abstract: This final report records the findings of an application study that investigated the feasibility of hardware and technology transfer to railroad traction of a multimegawatt power...