eLibrary Search
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Research Results
Finite Element Analysis of APTA Passenger Rail 8G Structural Seat Test
Keywords: Crashworthiness, pendulum impact testing, anthropomorphic test device, ATD, rail passenger safety, secondary impacts, crashworthy tables
Abstract: The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) sponsored researchers at the Volpe Center to perform finite element analyses (FEA) of 8g dynamic crash tests with a commuter rail 2-...
Research Results
Locomotive Crash Energy Management: Train-to-Train Impact Test
Keywords: Crashworthiness, crash energy management, CEM, locomotive, train-to-train test, rail passenger safety
Abstract: This report describes the results of the program’s latest impact test, conducted in August 2022: the train-to-train impact test. In this test, a CEM-equipped locomotive leading...
Research Results
Railroad Bridge Inspection Using Drone-Based Digital Image Correlation
Keywords: Autonomous drone flight control, stereo digital image correlation, remote bridge inspection
Research Results
Fire Test of an UN-T75 Portable Tank on a Flat Car Phase II
Keywords: Liquid natural gas, LNG, UN-T75 tank, International Organization for Standardization, ISO, tank, fire, pressure relief valve, PRV, hazardous materials, HazMat
Research Results
Evaluation of Longitudinal Wing Slopes for No. 20 Frogs
Keywords: Wing slope, special trackwork, turnout frogs, frog point, HAL