eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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- Document is related to rules and notices. This information can now be found on the Rulemakings search and the Notices search, respectively.
Technical Reports
Human-Centered Technologies Tool
Keywords: Human Factors, human error, operator error, interface analysis tool, interoperability
Abstract: Operator error is a leading cause of incidents and accidents, and equipment design has been shown to facilitate such errors. Human factors expertise is often used to evaluate the...
Technical Reports
Analysis of Accelerations Measured During Full-Scale Tank Car Impact Tests
Keywords: tank car, shock response spectrum, acceleration, impact, power spectral density
Abstract: Tank car impact responses were investigated using accelerometers mounted at various locations on a tank car. Several tests were run with both a full and an empty tank car, and...
Technical Reports
Relative Risk of Workload Transitions in Positive Train Control
Keywords: Workload transitions, workmode transitions, positive train control, railroad, train transitions, risk analysis, human reliability
Abstract: This work proceeded along two parallel paths. First, the research team performed a review and analysis of the fundamental human factors and systems performance issues associated...
Technical Reports
Evaluation of the School Street Four-Quadrant Gate/In-Cab Signaling Grade Crossing System
Keywords: Four-quadrant gates, highway-railroad grade crossings, high-speed rail, railroad,
Abstract: This study evaluated the safety benefits and performance of a four-quadrant gate and obstruction detection system at a grade crossing.
Technical Reports
Tank Car Reliability Design and Analysis
Keywords: Tank car, stub sill, fatigue crack growth, damage tolerance analysis, finite element
Abstract: This report presents the results of the Federal Railroad Administration project DTFR DV-00-G-60019 (Tank Car Reliability Design and Analysis), carried out in the Department of...