eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Heavy Point Frog Performance under Passenger Vehicles
Keywords: Heavy Point Frog, Vehicle Track Interaction, safety criteria, high-speed rail operations
Abstract: Federal Railroad Administration contracted with the Transportation Technology Center, Inc., Pueblo, Colorado, to conduct an investigation of passenger vehicle performance running...
Technical Reports
Positive Train Control Desense Mitigation Test: Research Phase 1
Keywords: Advanced Civil Speed Enforcement System (ACSES), Interoperable-Electronic Train Management System (I-ETMS), Interoperable Train Control (ITC), Positive Train Control (PTC)
Abstract: Final report for Positive Train Control (PTC) Desense Mitigation Test Research project includes description of Northeast Corridor (NEC) PTC deployments, PTC radio desense...
Technical Reports
Next-Generation Foundations for Special Trackwork – Phase III
Keywords: Dynamic load environment, special trackwork frog foundations, wheel-rail impact
Abstract: Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI) conducted a series of tests, funded by the Federal Railroad Administration, which evaluated the potential beneficial effects of...
Technical Reports
Full-Scale Tank Car Rollover Tests – Survivability of Top Fittings and Top Fittings Protective Structures
Keywords: Full-scale testing, fittings, protection, rollover, tank car, tank car safety, bowl, sleeve, skid
Abstract: Full-scale rollover crash tests were performed on three non-pressure tank carbodies to validate previous analytical work and determine the effectiveness of two different types of...
Technical Reports
Probability of Detection Evaluation Results for Railroad Tank Cars
Keywords: Bubble leak, damage tolerance analysis, direct visual testing, liquid penetrant, magnetic particle, nondestructive evaluation, nondestructive inspection, nondestructive testing, probability of detection, radiography, ultrasonic
Abstract: The Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI) used the approach developed for the National Aeronautics and Space Association to determine the probability of detection (POD)...