eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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Research Results
Gate Skirts Research at a Highway-Rail Grade Crossing in Ramsey, NJ
Keywords: Pedestrian gates, gate skirts, grade crossing, railroad safety
Abstract: Gate skirts installed at a grade crossing in New Jersey showed a positive pedestrian safety benefit.
Research Results
AXIS: An Automated, Drone-Based, Grade Crossing Inspection System
Keywords: VisioStack, RailLinks, grade crossing, photogrammetry, risk-profile, autonomous, machine learning, clustered-computing
Abstract: Through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, FRA supported development of a drone-based inspection system for highway-rail grade crossings.
Research Results
Development of Enhanced Overlay Positive Train Control (EO-PTC)
Keywords: Positive Train Control, PTC, enhanced operations, Enhanced Overlay Positive Train Control, EO-PTC, train control, rail signaling, traffic capacity improvement
Research Results
Short Line Safety Institute: A Safety Culture Assessment Model Transferable from Freight to Commuter Operations
Keywords: Short Line Safety Institute, commuter operations, freight railroads, regional railroads, short line railroads, safety culture assessment model, safety culture measurement, human factors
Research Results
Locating and Sizing Rail Head Defects for Rail Head Repair Welds Using Phased Array Ultrasonics
Keywords: Phased array ultrasound, PAUT, transverse defect, TD, rail head repair, weld repair