eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Methods for Evaluation of Track Inspection Technology Effectiveness
Keywords: Correlation, receiver operating characteristics, probability of detection, repeatability, reproducibility
Abstract: Guidelines, including recommendations for sample size, are needed in the design of track inspection technology evaluation tests. This report provides and overview of...
Technical Reports
Evaluation of Risk Acceptance Criteria for Transporting Hazardous Materials
Keywords: Liquefied natural gas, LNG, safety assessments, dual-fuel, compressed natural gas, CNG, risk criteria, quantitative risk assessment, QRA, locomotive, hazardous materials, rolling stock
Abstract: This report reviews and offers recommendations from Sandia National Laboratories of risk acceptance criteria for the transportation of hazardous materials in the U.S. The risk...
Technical Reports
Cant Excess for Freight Train Operations on Shared Track
Keywords: Cant excess, cant deficiency, superelevation, shared track
Abstract: Transportation Technology Center, Inc., with Federal Railroad Administration support, conducted a study to review and summarize current practices and issues related to shared...
Technical Reports
Laboratory Study of the Failure Characteristics of Fouled Ballast: Phase II
Keywords: Railroad, track, substructure, ballast, fouling, water content, loading, laboratory test, box test, triaxial test, box test
Abstract: This report presents the results of a series of triaxial tests and modified box tests performed on abraded ballast at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. While Phase I...
Technical Reports
Fire Performance of a UN-T75 Portable Tank Phase 1: Loaded with Liquid Nitrogen
Keywords: Liquefied natural gas, LNG, liquid nitrogen, LN2, ISO UN-T75 tank, flatcar, pressure relief valve, PRV, pressure relief device, PRD, directional flame thermometer, DFT, incident heat flux, surface temperature, hazardous materials
Abstract: Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) fire-tested a portable tank (filled with liquid nitrogen [LN2]) and observed the demonstration of the performance of the pressure relief...