eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
High-Speed Rail Turnout Literature Review
Keywords: Turnout geometry and design criteria, switch rail optimization, track stiffness, components
Abstract: High-speed rail (HSR) turnout design criteria generally address unbalanced lateral acceleration or cant deficiency (CD), cant deficiency change rate (CDCR), and entry and exit...
Technical Reports
Aerodynamic Forces on Freight Trains. Volume II. Full-Scale Aerodynamic Validation Tests of Trailer-on-a-Flat Car (Series II).
Keywords: Freight cars, Aerodynamic forces, Flat cars, Trailers, Containers, Aerodynamic drag, Aerodynamic loads, Wind tunnel models, Streamlining
Abstract: Aerodynamic forces were measured on full-scale Trailer-on-a-Flat Car (TOFC) configurations and a reliable data base was established for validation of wind tunnel test programs...
Technical Reports
Rail Integrity Alert System (RIAS) Feature Discrimination
Keywords: Broken rail, locomotive, inductive coils, probability of detection, probability of false alarm, support vector machine, receiver operating characteristics
Abstract: This report describes GE Global Research’s research, in partnership with GE Transportation, into developing and deploying algorithms for a locomotive-based inductive sensing...
Technical Reports
Linear Friction Welding for Constructing and Repairing Rail for High Speed and Intercity Passenger Service Rail.
Keywords: Rail, rail welding, rail joining, linear friction welding, heat affected zone, translational friction welding
Abstract: This project developed a solid-state welding process based on linear friction welding (LFW) technology. While resistance flash welding or thermite techniques are tried and true...
Technical Reports
Locomotive Fuel Vapor Reclamation System Field Evaluation and Cost-Benefit Analysis
Keywords: Locomotive fuel tank, fuel vapor, fuel temperature, fuel-vapor to air ratio, diesel vapor condenser, installation, vapor reclamation, remote data monitoring, cost-benefit analysis
Abstract: This report summarizes the results of the work performed to install a diesel vapor reclamation unit (DVRU) on an SD70 MAC locomotive of BNSF Railways and its performance...