eLibrary Search
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Other Reports
System Concept Definition Report for the National Maglev Initiative: Volume 8
Keywords: Supplementary Materials, System Specifications, Performance Analysis, Environmental Impact
Abstract: Existing transportation technology is nearing saturation and cannot meet projected demands. Airlines have saturated the airspace at major hubs. Automobiles will require 40-lane...
Other Reports
Maglev System Concept Definition: Hypothetical Route Report
Keywords: Cost Analysis, Computer Program, Performance Profiles
Abstract: [From the Introduction] The hypothetical route simulation is a computer program for simulating maglev on a benchmark guideway alignment for performance assessment of the maglev...
Other Reports
Maglev System Concept Definition: Final Report - Volume I
Keywords: Railroad Technology, Railroad Research, R&D
Abstract: This section discusses the baseline vehicle design and tradeoffs that were made during concept development. Figure Cl-1 is a complete general arrangement drawing of the vehicle...
Other Reports
Test Plan for X2000 Evaluation
Keywords: High Speed Stability Tests, Cant Deficiency, Simulations
Abstract: [From the Overview] The evaluation program for the X2000 trainset, as currently planned, involves a series of different technical tests to be followed by one or more simulated or...
Other Reports
Welcome to the FAST/HAL Open House Workshop: Phase II
Keywords: Facility for Accelerated Service Testing, Heavy Axle Load, Railroad Technology
Abstract: This document includes the proceedings of the FAST/HAL Open House Workshop held on September 15-16, 1992 at the Transportation Test Center in Pueblo, CO. It includes a program...