eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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Some "documents" may not appear here for the following reasons:
- Document resides on an external site for the record of source, links to the document are provided in context but not in the library as FRA does not maintain this record. This document lives on another website.
- Document has not yet been assigned keywords.
- Document is historical and has been removed from library to avoid confusion with current publications.
- Document is public affairs & policy related, such as press releases, speeches, testimony, or fact sheet. These press-related documents can now be found in the FRA Newsroom.
- Document is related to rules and notices. This information can now be found on the Rulemakings search and the Notices search, respectively.
Technical Reports
Interoperable Communications-based Signaling Project
Keywords: Train control, communications-based train control, CBTC, positive train control, PTC, railroad safety, ICBS
Abstract: Interoperable Communication-Based Signaling (ICBS) refers to an implementation of a train control system based on signaling principles whose system architecture and interface are...
Technical Reports
Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus
Keywords: Emergency escape breathing apparatus, hazardous materials, inhalation hazard, inhalation toxicity, simple asphyxiants
Abstract: Through sponsorship by the Federal Railroad Administration and in cooperation with the railroad industry and railroad labor organizations. Technical Products, Inc. (TPI) has...
Technical Reports
Quantitative Nondestructive Testing of Railroad Tank Cars Using the Probability of Detection Evaluation Approach
Keywords: automated ultrasonic testing, damage tolerance analysis, direct visual testing, eddy current testing, liquid penetrant testing
Abstract: Through sponsorship by the Federal Railroad Administration and in cooperation with tank car industry representatives, Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI) has...
Technical Reports
Summary Of Inventory Data Crossing Counts
Technical Reports
The Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory Number
Keywords: Valid Crossing Inventory Number; Crossing Inventory Calculation, Highway-Rail Crossing