eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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- Document is related to rules and notices. This information can now be found on the Rulemakings search and the Notices search, respectively.
Technical Reports
Development of Conventional Passenger Cab Car End Structure Designs for Full Scale Testing
Keywords: Transportation, safety, crashworthiness, passenger rail vehicles, cab car end structure
Abstract: The Volpe Center is supporting the Federal Railroad Administration’s full-scale testingprogram to understand and improve rail vehicle crashworthiness. The objective of one of the...
Technical Reports
Proof-of-Concept Demonstration: Controlling Rolling Contact Fatigue with Top of Rail Friction Control
Keywords: Top of Rail, Rolling Contact Fatigue, Friction Modifier, Dye Penetrant
Abstract: A proof of concept demonstration was conducted on two curves to demonstrate the effectiveness of wayside based top of rail (TOR) friction control in reducing occurrence and growth...
Technical Reports
A Pilot Examination of a Joint Railroad Management-Labor Approach to Root Cause Analysis of Accidents, Incidents, and Close Calls in a Diesel and Car Repair Shop Environment
Keywords: Root cause analysis, accident/incident investigation, human error, diesel shop, car repair shop,
Abstract: This report presents findings from a 1-year pilot study investigating the feasibility and practicality of a joint railroad managementlabor approach to root cause analysis (RCA) of...
Technical Reports
San Joaquin, California, High-Speed Rail Grade Crossing Data Acquisition Characteristics, Methodology, and Risk Assessment
Keywords: Grade Crossings, Risk, Fast Laser Imaging-Mapping and Profiling (FLI-MAP), Geographic
Abstract: This report discusses data acquisition and analysis for grade crossing risk analysis at the proposed San Joaquin High-Speed Rail Corridor in San Joaquin, California, and documents...
Technical Reports
Railroad Dispatching Operations: Putting Research into Practice–Workshop Summary
Keywords: Railroad dispatcher, train dispatcher, rail traffic controller, workload, fatigue, stress, taskload,
Abstract: This report summarizes the material presented at a 1-day workshop, Railroad Dispatching Operations: Putting Research into Practice, sponsored by the Federal Railroad...