eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Identification of High-Speed Rail Ballast Flight Risk Factors and Risk Mitigation Strategies – Final Report
Keywords: Ballast flight; high-speed rail; intercity passenger rail; Identification of High-Speed Rail Ballast Flight Risk Factors and Risk Mitigation Strategies – Final Report
Abstract: The phenomenon of flying ballast is well-documented in high-speed rail operations. Displaced ballast particles from the track bed may cause damage to rolling stock as well as the...
Technical Reports
Railroad Signal Color and Orientation: Effects of Color Blindness and Criteria for Color Vision Field Tests
Keywords: Railroad Signals; Signal Color; Signal Orientation; Medical Standards for Color Vision for Locomotive Engineers and Conductors; Color Vision; Color Vision Field Tests; Pseeudoisochromatic Plate Tests; Human Error; Signal Detection Theory
Abstract: This report concerns two issues: 1) whether color vision is necessary for locomotive crews who work on railroads where the signal system is either completely redundant with regard...
Technical Reports
Using Signal Detection Theory to Understand Grade Crossing Warning Time and Motorist Stopping Behavior
Keywords: Highway-rail grade crossing; grade crossing safety; motorist behavior; motorist compliance; active crossings; signal detection theory; Using Signal Detection Theory to Understand Grade Crossing Warning Time and Motorist Stopping Behavior
Researchers used signal detection theory to model how factors such as varied warning time durations may impact drivers' stopping behavior at grade crossings.
Technical Reports
Validation of the Train Energy and Dynamics Simulator (TEDS)
Keywords: Air brake; Coupler forces; Draft gear; Dynamic braking; ECP braking; End of car cushioning; Slack action; Stopping distance; Tractive effort; Train dynamics validation; Train operation; TEDS; Validation of the Train Energy and Dynamics Simulator
Abstract: FRA has developed Train Energy and Dynamics Simulator (TEDS) based upon a longitudinal train dynamics and operations simulation model which allows users to conduct safety and risk...
Technical Reports
Identity Management for Interoperable PTC Systems in Bandwidth-Limited Environments (Part 1)
Keywords: PTC Railroad Safety Technology Grant
Abstract: Positive Train Control is a wireless based system designed to provide comprehensive safety coverage for passenger and cargo trains operating on US railroads by 2015. Mandated by...