eLibrary Search
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- Document is related to rules and notices. This information can now be found on the Rulemakings search and the Notices search, respectively.
Technical Reports
Higher Speed Freight Truck Structural Analysis
Keywords: Higher speed freight truck, freight truck structural analyses, freight truck for 150 mph operation
Abstract: Sharma & Associates, Inc. (SA) had previously (2005–2009) developed a higher speed freight truck under sponsorship of the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). Under the...
Technical Reports
Higher Speed Freight Truck Performance Requirements Analysis
Keywords: AAR, APTA, Carbody, Code of Federal Regulations, Coefficient of Friction, Flange Angle, Higher Speed Truck, L/V Ratio, Lateral Load, Minimally Compliant Analytical Track
Abstract: This proposed requirements document combines a set of requirements for high-speed freight car truck design and performance from the generally accepted standards in the U.S. Code...
Technical Reports
Methodology for Cost Apportionment for a Shared 220 MHz RF Network in a Multi-railroad, Dense Traffic Area
Keywords: PTC Railroad Safety Technology Grant
Technical Reports
PTC RF Messaging Cost Allocation Calculator
Keywords: PTC Railroad Safety Technology Grant
Technical Reports
Higher Speed Freight Truck Market Analysis
Keywords: Average freight train speed, economic analysis, breakeven analysis, high speed freight truck, high-speed passenger trains, highway truck, market analysis, intermodal traffic, operating railroads’ perspective, premium revenue rail network
Abstract: A market analysis was conducted on behalf of FRA to determine the viability for implementation of higher speed freight rail service in anticipation of high-speed passenger rail...