eLibrary Search
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- Document is related to rules and notices. This information can now be found on the Rulemakings search and the Notices search, respectively.
Technical Reports
Hopper vs. Tank Car Truck Loads
Keywords: Vibration, Rock and Roll, Bounce, Pitch
Abstract: This report describes the results of tests conducted at the Transportation Test Center (TTC) in Pueblo, Colorado to ascertain differences between the ride characteristics of a...
Technical Reports
Engineering Data Characterizing the Fleet of U.S.Railway Rolling Stock Volume I: User Guide
Keywords: Engineering Parameters; Freight Vehicles; Locomotives; Passenger Vehicles; Characterization; Freight; Wheel Profiles
Abstract: This report contains engineering parameter descriptions of major and distinctive freight vehicle configurations covering approximately 96% of the U.S. freight vehicle fleet. This...
Technical Reports
Engineering Data Characterizing the Fleet of U.S.Railway Rolling Stock Volume II: Methodology and Data
Keywords: Freight car; Freight wheels; ladings
Abstract: This report contains engineering parameter descriptions of major and distinctive freight vehicle configurations covering approximately 96% of the U.S. freight vehicle fleet. This...
Technical Reports
Testing a New Method of Railroad Data Transmission
Keywords: Railcar Fault Conditions, Hazard Detection, Waveguide
Abstract: Commonwealth Research Corporation developed the concept of an onboard diagnostic system for monitoring railroad-car fault conditions. It consists of onboard sensors and onboard...
Technical Reports
Concrete and Wood Tie Performance Through 425 MGT
Keywords: Ballast, Clip fall-out, Clip Load, Concrete Ties, Insulator, Lateral Restraint, Pad Hardness, Rail Fasteners, Tie Bending Moment, Tie Pad, Wood Ties
Abstract: This study is the third in a series which has reviewed the performance of concrete and wood tie track at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing (FAST). It presents an...