eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Railroad Research Bulletin: Spring 1981 - Volume 8, Number 1
Keywords: Rail Transportation, Advanced Systems, High Speed Ground Transportation, Bibliography and Documentation, Abstracts
Abstract: This publication contains 1,159 abstracts of journal articles and research reports and descriptions of computer programs and magnetic data tapes. It also has 403 summaries of...
Technical Reports
Vibration Testing of Railroad Tank Car Specimens
Keywords: Tank Car Fireproof Coatings, Vibration Test Coatings, Simulations
Abstract: Vibration tests of fireproof coatings were performed on test specimens measuring 4 feet square. Specimens were simulations of railroad tank car side- wall panels. Samples of...
Technical Reports
Rail-Highway Crossing Resource Allocation Model
Keywords: Hazard Index; Accident Prediction, Benefit/Cost Ratio; Warning Device
Abstract: This report describes a procedure for optimizing the safety impact of grade crossing funding distribution, based on accident rates and cost effectiveness of warning...
Technical Reports
Transit Car Demonstration Test Program On the Roll Dynamics Unit Volume I
Keywords: Analytical Modeling, Creep Forces, Energy Consumption, Rail Dynamics, Spin/Slide, Traction Resistance
Abstract: This report documents two separate studies aimed at verifying and demonstrating the capabilities of the Roll Dynamics Unit (RDU). The RDU is part of the Rail Dynamics Laboratory (...
Technical Reports
Evaluation of Squeal Noise from the WMATA Transit Car Disc Brake System: A Preliminary Investigation
Keywords: Urban Rail Noise Abatement Program, WMATA Railcar Noise, Disc Brake System, Friction Braking System, Brake Squeal
Abstract: This study was conducted as part of the Urban Rail Noise Abatement Program sponsored by the Office of Rail and Construction Technology of the Urban Mass Transportation...