eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Evaluation of Signal/Control System Equipment and Technology: Task 6 - Specification Development
Keywords: Central Processing Unit, Communications, Maintainability, Military Standards, Reliability
Abstract: Development of a signal/control system for high speed 255 Km/h (160 MPH) train operation must proceed in a logical sequence. One step is a comparison of alternative candidate...
Technical Reports
Fatigue Crack Growth Properties of Rail Steels
Keywords: Fatigue Crack Propagation, Chemical Composition, Mechanical Properties, Mixed Mode Loading, Surface Flaws
Abstract: Fatigue crack propagation properties of rail steels were determined experimentally. The investigation covered 66 rail steels. The effects of the following parameters were studies...
Technical Reports
Fundamental Studies Related to Wheel/Rail Contact Stress
Keywords: Rail-Wheel Interaction, Conformal Contact, Elasticity, Creepage, Non-Hertzian Contact
Abstract: This Final Report summarizes the research performed and-provides a brief review of the major results of the program. The problems discussed include: the development of cost-...
Technical Reports
Prediction of Fatigue Crack Growth in Rail Steels
Keywords: Fatigue Crack Propagation, Prediction Train Service Loading, Computational Model
Abstract: Measures to prevent derailments due to fatigue failures of rails require adequate knowledge of the rate of propagation of fatigue cracks under service loading. The report presents...
Technical Reports
Rail Electromagnetic Compatibility Locomotive Volume 2, Summary of E-60 CP Road Test Electromagnetic Emission Measurements
Keywords: Emission Measurements, Testing, Field Strength Testing
Abstract: Results of electromagnetic emission measurements performed on an E-60 locomotive during a revenue service run from Washington, D.C ., to New Haven, Connecticut, and back are...