eLibrary Search
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Research Results
High-Speed Passenger Rail Tie-Ballast Interaction
Keywords: High-Speed Passenger Rail Tie-Ballast Interaction; Track transition; Differential movement; Tie-ballast interaction; Tie-ballast gap; Accelerometers; Cameras
Abstract: This Research Results Report presents evidence of poor tie support and increased applied loads that were used to determine the “root cause” of transient and permanent vertical...
Research Results
Investigation of Railroad Bridge Approach Problems along Heavy Haul Freight Lines
Keywords: INVESTIGATION OF RAILROAD BRIDGE APPROACH PROBLEMS ALONG HEAVY HAUL FREIGHT LINES; Track transition; bridge approach; differential movement; Multi-Depth deflectometer; MDD; strain gauge
Abstract: Under a contract with the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC) is investigating different factors that contribute to the...
Research Results
WISESight™: A Multispectral Smart Video-Track Intrusion Monitor
Keywords: WISESight; Multispectral Smart Video-Track Intrusion Monitor; Smart video; grade crossing; infrared; multispectral; object tracking; safety
Abstract: Researchers examined a video-based monitoring system that used thermal infrared and visible near-infrared imaging to detect cars and people at highway-rail grade crossings.
Research Results
Application of Alternative Criteria and Procedures to Passenger Railcars
Keywords: Application of Alternative Criteria and Procedures to Passenger Railcars; Occupant volume integrity; OVI; crippling; buff strength; alternative criteria
Abstract: Occupied volume integrity (OVI) refers to a passenger railcar’s ability to preserve space for passengers and crew during an accident. The Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA...
Research Results
Positive Train Control Shared Network
Keywords: Positive Train Control Shared Network; Positive Train Control (PTC); Interoperable Train Control (ITC); Shared Network; Hosted Network; Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Abstract: The Interoperable Train Control (ITC) Positive Train Control (PTC) Shared Network (IPSN) project investigated anticipated industry benefits and the level of support for the...