eLibrary Search
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- Document is related to rules and notices. This information can now be found on the Rulemakings search and the Notices search, respectively.
Research Results
An Evaluation of Safety Culture Initiatives at BNSF Railway
Abstract: Major safety culture (SC) initiatives initiated in the FRA Office of Research, Technology and Development (RT&D), such as Clear Signal for Action (CSA), the Investigation...
Research Results
Autonomous Broken Rail Detection Technology for Use on Revenue Service Trains
Keywords: broken rail; wavelet analysis; Autonomous Broken Rail Detection Technology for Use on Revenue Service Trains
Abstract: ENSCO Inc. in collaboration with Virginia Tech (VT) has developed, tested, and integrated a wavelet-based broken rail detection algorithm. This algorithm utilized acceleration...
Research Results
Crippling Test Of An M1 Passenger Railcar
Keywords: Occupant volume integrity; OVI; crippling; strength; alternative criteria;
Abstract: Occupied volume integrity (OVI) refers to a passenger railcar’s ability to preserve interior cabin space for passengers and crew during an accident. By preventing or minimizing...
Research Results
Prototype Design and Test of a Collision Protection System for Cab Car Engineers
Keywords: Crashworthiness, cab console, secondary impact protection, airbags, energy absorption, crushable knee bolster, sled testing, crash energy management, injury criteria, finite element analysis
Abstract: Advancements in the design of rail cars can potentially prevent the structural collapse of space occupied by a cab car engineer during a train collision. With adequate survival...
Research Results
Control of Rolling Contact Fatigue on Premium Rails in Revenue Service
Keywords: Rail life extension, premium rail, revenue service
Abstract: Effective rail maintenance strategies are essential for controlling rolling contact fatigue (RCF) and reducing wear of rails under heavy axle load (HAL) operations. In an...