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Other Reports
High Cant Deficiency Test of the F40PH Locomotive and the Prototype Banking Amcoach: Test Events Report Volume II Part B
Keywords: Statistical Analysis, Curve Negotiation, Train Track Dynamics
Abstract: The F40PH test program Test Data comprises two volumes organized by test phase and by type of vehicle tested for repetitive runs at various speeds on selected curves, and by...
Other Reports
High Cant Deficiency Test of the F40PH Locomotive and the Prototype Banking Amcoach: Test Events Report Volume I Part B
Keywords: Statistical Analysis, Curve Negotiation, Train Track Dynamics
Abstract: The F40PH test program Test Data comprises two volumes organized by test phase and by type of vehicle tested for repetitive runs at various speeds on selected curves, and by...
Other Reports
Operational Test Plan F4OPH/Banking Amcoach Cant Deficiency Test
Abstract: The objectives of testing the F4OPH and the prototype banking Amcoach at high cant deficiency are: o To evaluate the maximum safe curving speeds of the F4OPH diesel locomotive and...
Other Reports
Correlation of Accident Data with Physical Characteristics of Derailed Freight Vehicles
Keywords: Track/Track Dynamics, Rail Safety, Track Geometry
Abstract: [From the Preface] The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) is sponsoring research to provide improved safety of the rail transportation system at reduced life-cycle costs. These...
Other Reports
International Conference on Wheel/Rail Load and Displacement Measurement Techniques
Keywords: Conference Proceedings, Railroad Technology, Train/Track Dynamics
Abstract: The International Conference on Wheel/Rail Load and Displacement Measurement Techniques was held at the Transportation Systems Center (TSC) on January 19-20, 1981. The...