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Research Results
Rail Crossing Violation Warning Application – Phase II
Keywords: Grade crossing, Connected Vehicles, CV, Dedicated Short-Range Communications, DSRC, Global Navigation Satellite Systems, GNSS, real-time kinematic, RTK, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE 1570, Rail Crossing Violation Warning, RCVW, t
Abstract: Using Connected Vehicle ideas, the Rail Crossing Violation Warning system design can potentially enhance and transform rail crossing safety.
Research Results
Driver Performance on Approach to Crossbuck and STOP Sign Equipped Crossings
Keywords: highway-rail grade crossings, driver behavior, field operational test, safety
Abstract: Researchers compared driver behavior at grade crossings with and without stop signs.
Research Results
Public Education and Enforcement Research Study (PEERS)
Keywords: Highway-rail grade crossings, education, enforcement, violations, effectiveness, Public Education and Enforcement Research Study, PEERS
Abstract: Researchers examined the cost and effectiveness of education and enforcement techniques (such as citations, warnings, and outreach) at highway-rail grade crossings.
Research Results
Keywords: Portable track loading fixture (PTLF), gage restraint measurement system (GRMS), track strength
Research Results
North Carolina Department of Transportation's "Sealed Corridor" Assessment - Phase IV
Keywords: Sealed Corridor, private grade crossing, grade crossing improvements, safety benefits
Abstract: This report assesses Phase IV of North Carolina's Sealed Corridor program, which closed or added warning devices to 44 private crossings from 1990 to 2008.