eLibrary Search
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Research Results
Determining Bond-Slip Characteristics of Prestressing Tendons with Varying Geometries in Two Concrete Mixtures
Keywords: Track, ties, concrete, bond-slip, prestressing tendons
Abstract: Untensioned pullout tests were conducted to obtain the bond-slip characteristics of two groups of prestressing tendons used in concrete railroad tie production. The purpose of...
Research Results
Impact of Water on Cracked Concrete Crosstie Service Life
Keywords: Concrete crossties, water damage, center cracks, cyclic loading
Abstract: To investigate the impact of moisture on crack growth and other tie damage, UIUC researchers subjected pretensioned concrete crossties and small-scale beams to repeated loading...
Research Results
Impact Test of a Diesel Multiple Unit Fuel Tank
Keywords: Fuel tanks, finite element modeling, FE, diesel multiple unit, DMU, impact testing, puncture resistance, finite element analysis, FEA, passenger locomotive
Abstract: On June 28, 2016, the Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA) Office of Research, Development and Technology performed a dynamic impact test of a fuel tank from a Diesel...
Research Results
Continued Improvements at One C3RS Site
Keywords: Continued Improvements at One C3RS Site; Close calls; continuous improvement; employee involvement; freight rail; human factors; passenger rail; risk reduction; safety culture
Abstract: Human-factors-based solutions, along with process and technology innovations, can make significant contributions to improving safety in the railroad industry. As part of...
Research Results
High-Speed Passenger Rail Tie-Ballast Interaction
Keywords: High-Speed Passenger Rail Tie-Ballast Interaction; Track transition; Differential movement; Tie-ballast interaction; Tie-ballast gap; Accelerometers; Cameras
Abstract: This Research Results Report presents evidence of poor tie support and increased applied loads that were used to determine the “root cause” of transient and permanent vertical...