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Technical Reports
Wheel/Truck Tolerance Experiment at FAST
Keywords: Wheel Wear, Axle Misalignment, Wheel Profile, Instrumented Wheel Sets, Wheel/Rail Forces, Truck Design, Rolling Resistance, Rail Temperature, Steady State Curing Analysis, Facility for Accelerated Service Testing
Abstract: The test program described in this report covers the investigation of the performance of trucks in freight cars influenced by various mechanical factors. The primary issue was the...
Technical Reports
Rail vs. Truck Fuel Efficiency: The Relative Fuel Efficiency of Truck Competitive Rail Freight and Truck Operations Compared in a Range of Corridors
Keywords: Ton-Miles per Gallon, Lading Weight, Payload Weight, Average Speed, Horsepower per Trailing Ton, Train Performance Simulator, Vehicle Mission Simulation
Abstract: This report summarizes the findings of a study to evaluate the fuel efficiency of rail freight operations relative to competing truckload service. The objective of the study was...
Technical Reports
Safety Aspects of New Trucks and Lightweight Cars, Car 2 : Interim Report
Keywords: Mini-Shaker Unit, Vehicle Dynamics, Suspension Characterization, Truck Characterization, Lightweight Cars, NUCARS, AAR Chapter XI tests
Abstract: The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has sponsored a program to continue the validation of new techniques for testing and analysis that could be applied to the evaluation of...
Technical Reports
Issues in Locomotive Crew Management and Scheduling
Keywords: railroad, locomotive engineers, fatigue, suess, circadian rhythm, sleep loss, scheduling, crew-management.
Abstract: This study explores matters related to the scheduling and management of locomotive crews, particularly as they might contribute to fatigue and stress. It describes how crews are...
Technical Reports
Dynamic Buckling Test Analyses of a High Degree CWR Track
Keywords: Track Buckling, Dynamic Buckling, Lateral Stability, Continuous Welded Rails, High Degree Curve
Abstract: Thermal buckling of railroad tracks in the lateral plane is an important problem in the design and maintenance of continuous welded rail (CWR) tracks. The work reported here is...