eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Development and Testing of a Stuck Brake Detector for Wayside Inspection of Railroad Cars
Keywords: Automated Wheel Inspection; Thermal Wheel Damage; Rail Force Measurement
Abstract: Stuck brakes and unreleased hand brakes can cause the wheels of moving trains to overheat and develop thermal cracks. A method of detecting stuck brakes by direct measurement of...
Technical Reports
High Performance, High Cube Covered Hopper Car Program, Transit America's HI CUBE 2000 Car Dynamic Performance Tests, Summary Report
Keywords: Derailment-Stability, Curving, Hunting, Wheel Load, Articulation, Suspension, Bounce, Rocking
As part of the co-operative Track-Train Dynamics High Performance, High Cube Covered Hopper Program, Transit America provided a prototype car - the HI CUBE 2000 for dynamic...
Technical Reports
Fire Tests on Insulation for Aluminum Tank Cars : An evaluation of fiber glass, ceramic fiber, and mineral fiber materials in torch-fire and pool-fire environments
Keywords: Aluminum; Fire tests; Insulation; Tank car
Abstract: Tests were conducted at the Transportation Test Center to determine the vulnerability to fire of aluminum tank cars designed to transport hazardous materials under pressure when...
Technical Reports
Evaluation of the Thermal Effectiveness of Urethane Foam and Fiberglass as Insulation Systems for Tank Cars
Keywords: Thermal systems; urethane foam; fiberglass; safety; chlorine; railroad tank cars; fire tests
Abstract: A total of 39 thermal fire tests were conducted using the torch fire facility for the Federal Railroad Administration. These tests were performed in accordance with the procedures...
Technical Reports
Impact of Railroad Contracts on Corn, Wheat and Soybean Bids to Elevators and Farmers
Keywords: Grain Elevators, Rail Transportation, Staggers Rail Act of 1980
Abstract: This report presents the results of research conducted to determine the impact of destination and origin railroad contracts on grain bids to elevators and farmers. The impact of...