eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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- Document is related to rules and notices. This information can now be found on the Rulemakings search and the Notices search, respectively.
Technical Reports
Evaluation of Signal/Control System Equipment and Technology: Task 3 - Standardization, Signal Types, Titles
Keywords: Track Circuits, Cab Signaling, Traffic Control Systems
Abstract: This report analyzes and summarizes current signal types and associated aspects, titles and indications employed by U. S. Railroads over which Amtrak operates as well as by...
Technical Reports
Lightweight Intermodal Flatcar Evaluation Program Volume II: Test Results Report (Including Appendix A -Transducer Locations)
Keywords: Railcar Dynamics, Railcar Testing, Intermodal Railcars, TOFC/COFC, Modal Analysis, Railcar Lading/Dynamic Environment
Abstract: The Lightweight Flatcar (LWFC) Evaluation Program was conducted to provide a comparative evaluation of the dynamic performance of two prototype skelton or lightweight flatcars...
Technical Reports
U. S. Transit Track Assessment and Research Needs
Keywords: Track Design, Construction and Maintenance, Track Research
Abstract: This report covers a study of transit track made as part of the current research effort of the Urban Mass Transportation Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation....
Technical Reports
Nondestructive Techniques for Measuring the Longitudinal Force in Rails: Proceedings of a Joint Government-Industry Conference held in Washington, D. C., Februrary 26-27, 1979
Keywords: Railroad Research, Materials Science, Track Buckling Stresses
Abstract: The Conference on Nondestructive Techniques for Measuring the Longitudinal Force in Rails consisted of an introductory session followed by three major sessions on ultrasonic...
Technical Reports
Legal Effects of Use of Innovative Equipment at Railroad-Highway Grade Crossings on Railroad's Accident Liability
Keywords: Legal liability; Grade Crossing Accident Costs
Abstract: This report discusses a railroad’s legal liability for grade crossing accident costs when that railroad uses innovative grade crossing safety equipment.