eLibrary Search
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- Document is related to rules and notices. This information can now be found on the Rulemakings search and the Notices search, respectively.
Technical Reports
Mechanical Impedance Evaluations of the Kansas Test Track: Pretraffic and Posttraffic Tests
Keywords: Velocity Transfer Ratio, Linear Idealization, Performance Comparisons, Track Structure Response
Abstract: The Kansas Test Track (KTT) was comprised of nine different track systems whose dynamic response was measured in two series of impedance tests. Pretraffic impedance testing was...
Technical Reports
Test Results Report - Ride Quality Testing of an Amcoach on Wooden and Concrete Tie Sections
Keywords: Crossties, Cross Ties, Vehicle Accelerations, Sound-Pressure Levels, ISO Standards, Wz
Abstract: This report covers the collection of ride quality data on an Amcoach while traveling on wooden and concrete tie sections in the area of Boston, MA and Aberdeen, MD on the...
Technical Reports
The Kansas Test Track Part I - Analysis of Test Data
Keywords: Ballast, Beams, Concrete, Instrumentation, Slab Track, Subgrade, Ties, Testing
Abstract: This report presents the results of an experimental project to compare the performance of different track support systems. Data obtained during the project are summarized,...
Technical Reports
Track Component - Property Tests Volume I - Rail, Tie and Fasteners
Keywords: Rail Properties, Tie Properties, Track Fastener Properties
Abstract: This report describes the test procedures and the results of tests on the physical properties of rail, tie and fastener. The properties obtained are the bending rigidity of the...
Technical Reports
Track Geometry Measurement by High-Rail Vehicles
Keywords: High-Rail Inspection, Track Inspection, Survey Vehicle
Abstract: This report examines the capabilities of a high-rail track survey vehicle to: 1) Assist in improvement of the track safety inspection program; and 2) Assist in data collection for...