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Technical Reports
Railroad Research Bulletin: Spring 1979 - Volume 6, Number 1
Keywords: Rail Transportation, Advanced Systems, High Speed Ground Transportation, Bibliography and Documentation, Abstracts
Abstract: This publication contains 1078 abstracts of journal articles and research reports and descriptions of computer programs and magnetic data tapes. It also has 442 summaries of...
Technical Reports
On-Board Failure-Protection Requirements for Railroad-Vehicle Equipment
Keywords: derailments, railroad equipment, wayside inspection, hotbox detector
Abstract: An analysis of the 1975 railroad-equipment-caused accidents was made.
Technical Reports
Modern Concrete Crosstie Practice in France and Mexico
Keywords: Concrete Crossties, Crosstie Fabrication, Failure Inducing Conditions, Performance Requirements, Concrete Constituent Analyses
Abstract: Considered briefly is the history of concrete crosstie development in France. Failure of some crossties in 1973 led to a determination of the failure modes and a rigorous analysis...
Technical Reports
Improved Passenger Equipment Evaluation Program - Methodology Used in the Train Reviews
Keywords: Passenger Train Review Methodology; Train Review Criteria; Train Performance Calculation Methodology; Curving Safety Analysis Methodology; Ride Quality Analysis Methodology; Crashworthiness Analysis Methodology
Abstract: A number of new passenger train systems have been developed throughout the world and are now, or soon will be, available. They represent technology that is available for possible...
Technical Reports
Analysis of Data from the First Wheel Experiment at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing: Final Report
Keywords: FAST, Freight Car Wheels, TTC
Abstract: The Facility for Accelerated Service Testing (FAST), located at the Transportation Test Center near Pueblo, Colorado, is a joint government/ industry program for accelerated...