eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Standard Ride Quality Data Reduction Package
Keywords: Vehicle Ride Vibration, Software Program, Ride Quality, Data Reduction
Abstract: This report deals with software programs and analysis relating to vehicle ride vibration data. Descriptions of the digitizing procedure, both theoretical and operational, are...
Technical Reports
In-Service Performance and Costs of Methods to Control Urban Rail System Noise: Test and Evaluation Plan
Keywords: Resilient Wheels, Damped Wheels, Wheel Truing, Wheel Failure
Abstract: Reported here is the Test and Evaluation Plan of a study to investigate the effectiveness of four techniques for reducing wheel/rail noise in rail rapid-transit systems (resilient...
Technical Reports
Railroad Research Bulletin - Spring 1977 Volume 4, Number 1
Keywords: Rail Transportation, Advanced Systems, High Speed Ground Transportation, Bibliography and Documentation, Abstracts
Abstract: This publication contains 1,474 abstracts of journal articles and research reports and descriptions of computer programs and magnetic data tapes. It also has 515 summaries of...
Technical Reports
Train-To-Train Rear End Impact Tests. Volume III. Appendix A: Impact Test Data. Appendix B: Report of Inventions
Keywords: Railroad trains, Impact tests, Collision research, Railroad cars, Mechanical properties, Computerized simulation, Weight(Mass), Center of gravity, Passenger transportation, Locomotives, Dynamic structural analysis
Abstract: Nine train-to-train rear end impact tests were performed, and tests were documented. Volume III is an appendix to Volume II. It contains the original data of the impact test.
Technical Reports
Train-to-Train Rear End Impact Tests Volume I: Pre-Impact Determination of Vehicle Properties
Keywords: Train-to-Train Impact Tests; Impacts; Baseline Impact Tests; Impact Tests; Rear End Train Collisions
Abstract: Nine train-to-train rear end impact tests were performed by the Dynamic Science Division of Ultrasystems, Inc., at DOT's Transportation Test Center under contract with the...