eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Reporting of Suicide and Trespass Incidents by Online Media in the United States
Keywords: : Railroad, suicide, trespass, media, reporting, suicide contagion, Werther effect
Abstract: : The reporting of a suicide death in the media has the potential to increase imitative suicide attempts for vulnerable individuals who read the article, a phenomenon known as...
Technical Reports
Weld Repair of Manganese Frogs for Enhanced Performance
Keywords: Reciprocating wire feed, constant voltage, Flux-Cored Arc Welding, heat-affected zone, radiographic testing, Shielded Metal Arc Welding, ultimate tensile strength, yield strength.
Abstract: When special trackwork contact surfaces (such as manganese-steel turnout frogs) become worn and damaged, they can be repaired to extend their lifetime, but current repair...
Technical Reports
Force Environment Evaluation of Stub Sills on Tank Cars Using Autonomous Over-the-Road Testing of the Instrumented Tank Car
Keywords: Tank cars, stub sills, ENSCO, track geometry, measurement, load environment, operating conditions, instrumented tank cars, data collection, vertical coupler force, longitudinal coupler force
Abstract: Fractures have been observed on stub sill tank cars for many years. Undetected and unattended, these fractures can develop into a variety of tank car failures. While tank car...
Technical Reports
Side Impact Test and Analysis of a DOT-112 Tank Car
Keywords: Impact test, DOT-112 tank car, tank car performance, transportation safety, toxic by inhalation (TIH)
Abstract: As part of a program to improve transportation safety for tank cars, Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI) has conducted a side impact test on a DOT-112 tank car to...
Technical Reports
Crash Energy Management: One and Two Car Passenger Rail Impact Tests - Summary of Structural and Occupant Test Results
Keywords: Transportation, safety, crash energy management, crashworthiness, passenger rail vehicles, cab car end structure, impact test
Abstract: Two full-scale impact tests were conducted to measure the crashworthiness performance of Crash Energy Management (CEM) equipped passenger rail cars. On December 3, 2003, a...