eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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Technical Reports
The Impact of Participatory Safety Rules Revision on Incident Rates, Liability Claims, and Safety Culture in the U.S. Railroad Industry
Keywords: Railroad safety culture, safety rules revision, safety rules consolidation, compliance, Federal Employer’s Liability Act, FELA, incident rates, liability claims, lessons learned
Abstract: The Federal Railroad Administration Human Factors Research and Development Program sponsored a lessons learned study to examine the impact of safety rules revision on safety...
Technical Reports
Human Factors Considerations in the Evaluation of Processor-Based Signal and Train Control Systems
Keywords: Cognitive task analysis, communications, decisionmaking, human factors, human reliability
Abstract: In August 2001, the Federal Railroad Administration issued the notice of proposed rulemaking: Standards for Development and Use of Processor-Based Signal and Train Control Systems...
Technical Reports
Human Error Investigation Software Tool (HEIST)
Keywords: Human error, root cause analysis, railroad safety, human factors, HFACS
Abstract: Human factors are a leading cause of train accidents and incidents in the United States. Human factors go beyond the crewmembers who operate the on-track equipment. They include...
Technical Reports
Preliminary Development of a Railroad Dispatcher Taskload Assessment Tool: Identification of Dispatcher Tasks and Data Collection Methods
Keywords: Railroad dispatching, train dispatching, taskload, workload, railroad safety
Abstract: This report summarizes research conducted to identify and document dispatcher tasks and activities and determine how data on these tasks are currently collected. The researcher...
Technical Reports
Work Schedules and Sleep Patterns of Railroad Dispatchers
Keywords: Railroad dispatcher, fatigue, alertness, shiftwork, extra board, relief job, sleep disorder, assistant
Abstract: This report presents the results of a study designed to characterize the work/rest schedules and sleep patterns of U.S. railroad dispatchers and to examine the relationship...