eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Cant Deficiency Test Safety Monitoring Using Accelerometer Measurements
Keywords: Derailment Safety, Wheel Forces, Lateral Acceleration, Instrumented Wheels
Abstract: The FRA has performed high cant deficiency curving tests on several passenger trains using instrumented wheels to measure wheel forces for comparison to derailment safety criteria...
Technical Reports
Railroad Passenger Ride Safety
Keywords: Safety, Ride Safety, Railroad Passenger Service, Lateral Acceleration, Jolt, Jerk, Cant Definicency, Vehicle Over-Turning
Abstract: Safety requirements for high cant deficiency rail passenger service address the dangers of vehicle derailment, track damage and unreasonable risks to standing passengers of...
Technical Reports
Laboratory Tests of Two 100-Ton Covered Hopper Cars
Keywords: Harmonic Roll, Vibration Test Unit, VTU, Truck Properties, Safety Performance
Abstract: The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and the Association of American Railroads (AAR) have jointly sponsored an experimental program to study the 100-ton covered hopper car...
Technical Reports
Analytic Studies of the Effects of Track Geometry Variation
Keywords: Computer Simulation, Mathematical Dynamic Curving, Hunting, Wheel/Rail Forces, Profiles, Derailment, Track Geometry, Track Safety Standards
Abstract: In this report, analyses are described which were used to aid in the planning of tests carried out on track in Bennington, New Hampshire in August 1982. These tests were designed...
Technical Reports
Track Geometry Measurement by High-Rail Vehicles
Keywords: High-Rail Inspection, Track Inspection, Survey Vehicle
Abstract: This report examines the capabilities of a high-rail track survey vehicle to: 1) Assist in improvement of the track safety inspection program; and 2) Assist in data collection for...