eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Measurement of Wheel/Rail Forces at the Washignton Metropolitan Area Transit Authority : Volume I. Analysis Report
Keywords: Wheel/Rail Forces, Wear Reduction, Rail Dynamics, Vehicle Dynamics
Abstract: Under the direction of the Urban Mass Transportation Authority (UMTA) measurements of wheel/rail forces were made in August 1979 by the Transportation Systems center (TSC) with...
Technical Reports
Measurement of Wheel/Rail Forces at the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
Keywords: Wheel/Rail Wear, Urban Transit Vehicles, WMATA
Abstract: Under the direction of the Urban Mass Transportation Authority (UMTA) measurements of wheel/rail forces were made in August 1979 by the Transportation Systems Center (TSC) with...
Technical Reports
Identification and Evaluation of Off-Track Train Detection Systems for Grade Crossing Applications
Abstract: The study examined all potential train detection techniques which do not use the track, analyzing both point sensing and continuous sensing system approaches.
Technical Reports
Dynamic Hopper Car Test
Keywords: Wheel-Rail Forces, Ride Performance, Track Degradation, Vehicle Component, Wear
Abstract: This report describes a test designed to establish the relationship between ride performance and track degradation, vehicle component wear, and the combined effect of rail...
Technical Reports
Measurements of Wheel/Rail Loads on Class 5 Track
Keywords: Load Measurement Techniques, Flat Wheel Impact Loads, Rail Joint Impact Loads, Statistical Description
Abstract: Measurements have been made on two tangent test sections and a curved test section to characterize the wheel/rail load environment on Class 5 track. The tangent-track test...