eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Trackbed Moisture Sensor System
Keywords: Soil moisture, foul ballast, scanning technology, measurement, signal detection and sensitivity, nuclear magnetic resonance
Abstract: In this initial phase, conducted from March 2015 through December 2016, Vista Clara and its subcontractor Zetica Rail successfully developed and tested a man-portable, non-...
Technical Reports
A Survey of Wheel/Rail Friction
Keywords: Friction, friction management, lubrication, vehicle-track interaction, wheel-rail interaction v
Abstract: Friction has a huge influence on the vehicle/track interaction and yet it remains poorly understood, its consideration an afterthought in many simulation activities. This survey...
Technical Reports
Weld Repair of Manganese Frogs for Enhanced Performance
Keywords: Reciprocating wire feed, constant voltage, Flux-Cored Arc Welding, heat-affected zone, radiographic testing, Shielded Metal Arc Welding, ultimate tensile strength, yield strength.
Abstract: When special trackwork contact surfaces (such as manganese-steel turnout frogs) become worn and damaged, they can be repaired to extend their lifetime, but current repair...
Accident Investigations
Keywords: Accident Investigations, Braking Systems, Hazardous Materials, Crude-by-rail
Abstract: At 12:15 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on Friday, June 3, 2016, a Union Pacific train, ONETU 02, transporting Bakken crude oil for U.S. Oil & Refining Company and operating on...
Mosier, OR
United States
Research Results
An Alternative to Conventional Concrete Crossties for Bridge Approaches
Keywords: crossties; concrete ties; heavy axle load
Abstract: Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI) is investigating an alternative crosstie design to conventional concrete crossties for bridge approaches. The project is being co-...