eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Safety of High Speed Magnetic Levitation Transportation Systems: Thermal Effects and Related Safety Issues of Typical Maglev Steel Guideways
Keywords: Thermal, Guideway, Magnetic levitation, Maglev, Deflection, Temperature, Transrapid
Abstract: This report presents a theoretical analysis predicting the temperature distribution, thermal deflections, and thermal stresses that may occur in typical steel Maglev guideways...
Technical Reports
Study to Establish Ride Comfort Criteria for High Speed Magnetically Levitated Transportation Systems
Keywords: Magnetic levitation, Maglev, Vertical acceleration, Roll rates, Ride Quality
Abstract: The ride motions of a Maglev system were simulated by performing specific vertical and roll maneuvers in a small executive jet aircraft. After each maneuver the passenger subjects...
Technical Reports
The Design of Intermodal Stations for a High Speed Ground Transportation System
Keywords: Intercity Transportation, Automated Peoplemovers, Intermodal Connectivity
Abstract: The large investment required to build a new high speed ground transportation system in the U.S. requires that the station component of such a system receive considerably more...
Technical Reports
Safety of High Speed Ground Transportation Systems: Analytical Methodology for Safety Validation of Computer Controlled Subsystems. Volume 1. State-Of-The-Art and Assessment of Safety Verification/Validation Methodologies
Keywords: verification; validation; software; hardware; methodlogy; safety; safety standards; high speed rail; magnetic levitation; high-speed guided ground transportation system
Abstract: This report describes the development of a methodology designed to assure that a sufficiently high level of safety is achieved and maintained in computer-based systems which...
Technical Reports
Bridge Tests by Using the Track Loading Vehicle
Keywords: Bridges, Trusses, Static Tests, Dynamic Tests, Track Loading Vehicle, Influence Line, Impact Percentage, Damping Ratio, Strain, Axial Force, Power Spectral Density, Mode, Frequency
Abstract: The Track Loading Vehicle (TLV) was used to conduct a series of bridge tests. The Big Creek Through Truss Bridge on the Norfolk Southern Railroad in Tennessee was used for thee...