eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Peacekeeper Rail Garrison Train Dynamic and Train Mobility Evaluation
Keywords: Chapter XI, Train Handing, Track Worthiness, Safety Performance
Abstract: Tests were performed on the Peacekeeper Rail Garrison (PKRG) Train which included track worthiness, train handling, and train mobility. The track worthiness tests were...
Technical Reports
Peacekeeper Rail Garrison Test of Engineering Model Maintenance Car
Abstract: Tests were performed on the Peacekeeper Rail Garrison Maintenance Car {MC), according to specifications in Chapter XI of the AAR's, Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices....
Technical Reports
FAST/HAL Track Loads Evaluation
Keywords: Facility for Accelerated Service Testing, Heavy Axle Loads, Vertical and Lateral Force
Abstract: The FAST/HAL Track Loads Evaluation was conducted to quantify vertical and lateral forces at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing, Transportation Test Center, Pueblo,...
Technical Reports
Gas-Spray Repair of Rail Surface Defects
Keywords: Electric Flash Butt Welds, Thermite Welds, TTC, Japanese National Railways
Abstract: An alternative weld repair process (gas-spray) was devised by the Japanese National Railways (JNR) which incorporates a oxyacetylene flame and a powdered filler metal. The gas-...
Technical Reports
Peacekeeper Rail Garrison Test of Engineering Model Fuel Car
Keywords: Tank Car, Chapter XI, Safety Performance
Abstract: Tests were performed on the Peacekeeper Rail Garrison Fuel Car, according to specifications in Chapter XI of the Association of American Railroads (AAR), Manual of Standards and...