eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Peacekeeper Rail Garrison Vehicle Characterization Test of Triplet Cars, ATSF 90004 and 90006
Keywords: Depressed Center Flat Cars, Span Bolster, Suspension Characterization
Abstract: Vehicle Characterization tests were performed on two of three commercial span bolsters cars (Triplet Cars) to gather data in support of the Train Dynamics Model (TDM) prediction...
Other Reports
Tread Crack Detection in Railroad Wheels: An Ultrasonic System Using EMATS
Keywords: nondestructive testing, roll-by inspection
Abstract: This is report number 22 in a series .covering research performed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). This...
Technical Reports
Wheel/Truck Tolerance Experiment at FAST
Keywords: Wheel Wear, Axle Misalignment, Wheel Profile, Instrumented Wheel Sets, Wheel/Rail Forces, Truck Design, Rolling Resistance, Rail Temperature, Steady State Curing Analysis, Facility for Accelerated Service Testing
Abstract: The test program described in this report covers the investigation of the performance of trucks in freight cars influenced by various mechanical factors. The primary issue was the...
Technical Reports
Vehicle Track Interaction Truck Hunting
Keywords: Wheel/Rail Forces, Wheel Profile, Rail Profile, Hunting Threshold, On-Set Speed, Rolling Resistance Stability Model
Abstract: In an effort to better understand the practical aspects of the truck hunting response of two typical freight vehicles, a Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) test program was...
Technical Reports
Stub Sills on Tank Cars
Keywords: Stress Analysis, Fatigue, Life Predication, Head Brace
Abstract: The results of this study indicate that the head brace repair procedure provides an effective means for redirecting stub sill loads into the tank body, thus reducing stresses at...