eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Parametric Studies on Lateral Stability of Welded Rail Track
Keywords: Track buckling, buckling, welded track
Abstract: Thermal buckling of railroad tracks in the lateral plane is an important problem in the design and maintenance of continuous welded rails (CWR). The severity of the problem is...
Technical Reports
Determination of Residual Stresses in Rails
Keywords: Fatigue, Rail stress
Abstract: A destructive sectioning technique for measuring the complete three-dimensional residual stresses in a rail cross section was developed. The technique was applied to four tangent...
Technical Reports
Control of Wheel/Rail Noise and Vibration
Keywords: Rail Grinding; Wheel Truing
Abstract: This report presents the results of a program to develop and evaluate techniques for the control of wheel/rail noise in urban rail transit systems. The first part of the program...
Technical Reports
Perturbed Track Test: Results of Data Analysis
Keywords: Rail Vehicle Dynamics, SAFE, Vehicle Dynamic Performance
Abstract: The Perturbed Track Test (PTT) involving the E-8 and SDP-40F locomotives was conducted at the Transportation Test Center (TTC) during November and December, 1978. Two of the...
Other Reports
High Cant Deficiency Test of the F40PH Locomotive and the Prototype Banking Amcoach: Test Events Report Volume II Part A
Keywords: Statistical Analysis, Curve Negotiation, Train Track Dynamics
Abstract: The F40PH test program Test Data comprises two volumes organized by test phase and by type of vehicle tested for repetitive runs at various speeds on selected curves, and by...