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Technical Reports
High Performance, High Cube Covered Hopper Car Program, Base Car Dynamic Performance Tests: Volume 4 - Summary
Keywords: Angle of Attack, Curving, Hunting, Pitch-and-Bounce, Rock-and-Roll, Spiral Twist, Vertical and Lateral Accelerations, Wear Index
Abstract: This report presents a summary of the dynamic performance tests of a 4750 cubic foot capacity high cube covered hopper car. All the tests were conducted at the Transportation...
Technical Reports
Tank Car Damage Assessment Procedure Study
Keywords: Safety, Nondestructive Evaluation, Fracture Mechanics
Abstract: The study concerns the rupture of damaged tank cars which have been involved in railroad accidents. In this regard, a series of impact tests using the FRA/BRL Drop Hammer Facility...
Technical Reports
High Performance, High Cube Covered Hopper Program Base Car Dynamic Performance Tests: Volume 3 - Curving
Keywords: Angle of Attack, Car Dynamics, Curve Entry, Curve Exit, Spiral-Twist, Vertical and Lateral Wheel Loads
Abstract: This report describes the curving performance tests of a 4750 cubic foot capacity high cube covered hopper car. This base car was tested on curves of up to 7.5 degrees on test...
Technical Reports
High Performance, High Cube Covered Hopper Car Program, Base Car Dynamic Performance Tests: Volume 1 - Rock-and-Roll and Bounce
Keywords: Derailment, Pitch, Roll Angle, Track Perturbations, Wheel Unloading
Abstract: A series of dynamic performance tests were conducted on a 100-ton high cube (4750 cu. ft.) covered hopper car. This report describes the test program concerning the rock-and-roll...
Technical Reports
Vehicle/Track Interaction Assessment Techniques Volume I, Part I
Keywords: Vehicle Dynamics, Transportation Safety, Test Analysis Procedures, Test Planning, Data Analysis Procedures
Abstract: This report describes Vehicle/Track Interaction Assessment Techniques (IAT) which - are developed to provide standardized procedures and tools in order to: Investigate the dynamic...