eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
The Wear Behavior of High Rails Tested in the First Metallurgy Experiment, 0 to 135 MGT
Keywords: High Silicon, Standard Carbon, Head Hardened, Chrome Molybdenum, Position-in-Curve, Tie Plate Cant, Profilometer, Chemistry, Curvature
Abstract: In the first rail metallurgy experiment, covering the period from September 1976 to September 1977, 135 million gross tons (MGT) of traffic were accumulated on the Facility for...
Technical Reports
Rail Vehicle Dynamics Model Validation
Keywords: Rail Vehicle Modeling, Rail Vehicle Testing, Perturbed Track Tests
Abstract: The validation of mathematical models of rail vehicle dynamics using test data poses a, number of difficult problems, which are addressed in this report. Previous attempts to...
Technical Reports
A Perspectival Review of Rail Behavior at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing
Keywords: Fatigue Life, Gage Face Wear, FAST, Lubrication, Rail Metallurgy, Tie Plate Cant, Transverse Crack, Position-in-Curve Effect
Abstract: The rail metallurgy tests which have been undertaken at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing (FAST) are described. The best of the premium metallurgies has been found to...
Technical Reports
Constant Warning Time Concept Development for Motorist Warning At Grade Crossings
Keywords: CWT, Magnetic Transducers, Acoustic Transducers
Abstract: This report investigates multiple methods for providing consistent warning times of the arrival of trains. Magnetic and acoustic detection methods showed the most promise.
Technical Reports
Dead Line Testing of Pantographs on the RTT Catenary System
Keywords: Aerodynamic Lift Forces, Phase Break, Dead Line Instrumentation, Lost of Contact
Abstract: The tests described in this report were carried out by the Transportation Test Center to verify the newly constructed overhead catenary system on the Railroad Test Track (RTT) and...