eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Wind Tunnel Tests of Trailer and Container Models to Determine the Independent Influence of Height and Gap Spacings and Trailer Undercarriage Shielding on Aerodynamic Forces Occurring During Railroad Transport
Keywords: Intermodel, TOFC, COFC, Piggyback Aerodynamics, Train Resistance
Abstract: A series of wind tunnel tests have been run on scale model trains of 40 ft. containers and trailers. The models were 1/43 scale. A train of five models was used with forces and...
Technical Reports
Concrete and Wood Tie Track Performance through 150 Million Gross Tons
Keywords: Concrete Cross Ties, Track Performance, Track Components, Track Testing, Track Loading, Accelerated Service Tests
Abstract: This report has been prepared as part of the Improved Track Structures Research Program sponsored by the Office of Rail Safety Research of the Federal Railroad Administration. The...
Technical Reports
Mechanical Impedance Evaluations of the Kansas Test Track: Pretraffic and Posttraffic Tests
Keywords: Velocity Transfer Ratio, Linear Idealization, Performance Comparisons, Track Structure Response
Abstract: The Kansas Test Track (KTT) was comprised of nine different track systems whose dynamic response was measured in two series of impedance tests. Pretraffic impedance testing was...
Technical Reports
Railroad Research Bulletin: Autumn 1979 - Volume 6, Number 2
Keywords: Rail Transportation, Advanced Systems, High Speed Ground Transportation, Bibliography and Documentation, Abstracts
Abstract: This publication contains 1,244 abstracts of journal articles and research reports and descriptions of computer programs and magnetic data tapes. It also has 467 summaries of...
Technical Reports
Analysis of Data from the First Wheel Experiment at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing
Keywords: FAST, Freight Car Wheels, Wheel Wear
Abstract: The Facility for Accelerated Service Testing (FAST), located at the Transportation Test Center near Pueblo, Colorado, is a joint government/ industry program for accelerated life...