eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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- Document resides on an external site for the record of source, links to the document are provided in context but not in the library as FRA does not maintain this record. This document lives on another website.
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- Document is public affairs & policy related, such as press releases, speeches, testimony, or fact sheet. These press-related documents can now be found in the FRA Newsroom.
- Document is related to rules and notices. This information can now be found on the Rulemakings search and the Notices search, respectively.
Technical Reports
SLRV Engineering Tests at Department of Transportation Transportation Test Center: Volume IV - Data Logs
Keywords: TTC, General Vehicle Tests, Standard Light Rail Vehicle
Abstract: In May 1973, Boeing Vertol Company was awarded a contract to build Light Rail Vehicles to a specification sponsored by Department of Transportation's Urban Mass Transportation...
Technical Reports
Aerodynamic Forces on Various Configurations of Railroad Cars and Carrying Trailers and Containers
Keywords: Intermodal, TOFC, PIggyback Aerodynamics, Train Resistance, Wind Tunnel Testing
Abstract: Toward improving the energy efficiency of rail intermodal service, the aerodynamic characteristics of the rolling stock offer a significant opportunity for betterment. At speeds...
Technical Reports
FRATE, Volume I: User's Manual
Keywords: Freight Car Response Analysis and Test Evaluation, Freight Car Vibration Analysis, TOFC, Dynamic Response, Computer Program
Abstract: FRATE (Freight Car Response Analysis and Test Evaluation) is the name of a digital computer program which numerically solves the structural dynamic equations of motion of a single...
Technical Reports
Users' Manual for Kalker's "Exact" Nonlinear Creep Theory
Keywords: Creepage, Creep Forces, Spin Moment, Steady-State Rolling, Hertz Contact, Computer Program
Abstract: The conversion of the computer program, "A Programme for Three-Dimensional Steady State Rolling" developed by Professor J. J. Kalker, from the original Algol language to FORTRAN...
Technical Reports
Freight Car Truck Design Optimization: Vol. II - Phase I Final Report
Keywords: General Purpose Freight Trucks, Equipment Tests, Instrumentation, Test Tracks, Car Torsional Rigidity, Centerplate Friction
Abstract: Tasks assigned to Phase I of the Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) are now concluded. This report includes lists of data tapes, reports already filed through FRA with...