eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Workstation Table Crashworthiness Tests
Keywords: Crashworthiness, workstation table, full-scale train-to-train test, crash energy management, crush zones, rail cars, occupant survivability, collision, injury, impacts
Abstract: This report describes results from the Option C component of a research program aimed at improving crashworthiness of passenger train workstation tables. Research conducted in the...
Other Reports
FRA/Volpe Center Task Force Observation of Operations at TVE Transrapid Test Facility, Addendum
Keywords: Testing
Abstract: This report is an addendum to a report (No. DOT-VNTSC-RR393-PM-93-1) prepared in April 1993 describing the operatoins witnessed and the relevant information obtained by nine...
Technical Reports
Gas-Spray Repair of Rail Surface Defects
Keywords: Electric Flash Butt Welds, Thermite Welds, TTC, Japanese National Railways
Abstract: An alternative weld repair process (gas-spray) was devised by the Japanese National Railways (JNR) which incorporates a oxyacetylene flame and a powdered filler metal. The gas-...
Technical Reports
Wheelclimb Derailment Processes and Derailment Criteria
Keywords: scale model testing, wheelset dynamics
Abstract: The most widely accepted criterion for wheelclimb derailment defines an upper limit for safe operation on wheel/rail contact forces on the climbing wheel, with the limit varying...
Technical Reports
Validation of Track Geometry Input to the Vibration Test Unit (VTU) and the Endurance Capability of the VTU
Keywords: Carbody Response, Lading Response, Locomotive Track Hazard Detector, LTHD
Abstract: This report describes a series of tests conducted at the Transportation Test Center, Pueblo, Colorado, to validate two forms of track geometry inputs to the Vibration Test Unit (...