eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Brake System Design Optimization- Volume II: Supplemental Data
Keywords: thermal capacity
Abstract: This report presents supplemental data which support Volume I, A Survey and Assessment, DOT-TSC-FRA-78-1,I,FRA/ORD-78/20,I, dated June 1978, 140 pages. A detailed description of...
Technical Reports
Low-Profile, Lightweight Intermodal Railcar Volume I: Performance Specification
Keywords: Intermodal Freight Transportation, Rail Technology, Rail Vehicle Dynamics, Piggyback Freight, Containerized Transportation
Abstract: The Performance Specification and Acceptance Test Plan, respectively contained in Volumes I and II of this report, define the requirements for a low- profile, light-weight...
Technical Reports
Low-Profile, Lightweight Intermodal Railcar Volume II: Acceptance Test Plan
Keywords: Intermodal Freight Transportation, Railroad Technology, Rail Vehicle Dynamics, Piggyback Freight, Containerized Transportation
Abstract: The Performance Specification and Acceptance Test Plan, respectively contained in Volumes I and II of this report, define the requirements for a low- profile, light-weight...
Technical Reports
Pilot Study for Definition of Track Component Load Environments
Keywords: Transit Track Design, Track Instrumentation, Transit Track Testing, Track Costs
Abstract: This report describes the results of an experimental and analytical effort to define the vehicle induced load environment in an at-grade, concrete tie/ballast transit track...
Technical Reports
Freight Train Fuel Consumption: Economic Analysis and Correlation of Predictions with Field Data
Keywords: Train Resistance, Fuel Consumption, Prediction and Field Data Correlation
Abstract: This final report is a supplement to two earlier FRA reports on train resistance and its impact upon fuel consumption. The portion of this effort reported herein was partly...