eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Track Component Property Tests Volume II- Rail, Ties, Joint-Bars and Fasteners - Interim Report
Keywords: fastener Resistance, Torsional Rigidy
Abstract: The principal objective of this laboratory test program is to investigate the load capacity of track in the vertical and lateral planes to support assessments of track strength.
Technical Reports
Railroad Classification Yard Technology-Assessment of Car Speed Control Systems
Keywords: Hump yard, Retarder, Automatic speed control system, Clasp retarder, Quasi continous control
Abstract: The scope of this study has encompassed an evaluation of fourteen yard speed control devices, an identification of four generic speed control systems, a qualitative assessment of...
Technical Reports
Concrete and Wood Tie Track Performance through 150 Million Gross Tons
Keywords: Concrete Cross Ties, Track Performance, Track Components, Track Testing, Track Loading, Accelerated Service Tests
Abstract: This report has been prepared as part of the Improved Track Structures Research Program sponsored by the Office of Rail Safety Research of the Federal Railroad Administration. The...
Technical Reports
Track and Bridge Maintenance Research Requirements
Keywords: Ballast, Subgrade, Cross Ties, Special Track-work, Bolted Joints, Maintenance and Rail
Abstract: This report includes the design of seven research plans in the area of track and bridge maintenance. The railroad industry was surveyed to ascertain the maintenance problems of...
Technical Reports
Track Stiffness Measurment System Evaluation Program
Keywords: Bridge Stiffness, Measurement
Abstract: This report describes a three-phase program to devlop and evaluate an on-board, track stiffness measurment system. High correlation has been established between observed...