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Technical Reports
The Kansas Test Track Part I - Analysis of Test Data
Keywords: Ballast, Beams, Concrete, Instrumentation, Slab Track, Subgrade, Ties, Testing
Abstract: This report presents the results of an experimental project to compare the performance of different track support systems. Data obtained during the project are summarized,...
Technical Reports
Track Component - Property Tests Volume I - Rail, Tie and Fasteners
Keywords: Rail Properties, Tie Properties, Track Fastener Properties
Abstract: This report describes the test procedures and the results of tests on the physical properties of rail, tie and fastener. The properties obtained are the bending rigidity of the...
Technical Reports
Truck Design Optimization Project Phase II- Friction Snubber Force Measurement System Field Test Report
Keywords: ASF Ride Control Truck, Barber S-2 Truck, Frieght Car Trucks, Friction Snubbing Field Tests, FSFMS, TDOP Phase II
Abstract: This report documents the results of the Friction Snubber Force Measurement System (FSFMS) special road test program that was performed during TDOP Phase II. The FSFMS was...
Technical Reports
Effect of Torsional Fastener Resistance on the Lateral Response of a Rail-Tie Structure
Keywords: Lateral Deformations of Track, Railroad Track Equations, Fastener Rigidity
Abstract: The use of the classical beam bending equations for the analysis of the track response in the lateral plane is of questionable validity; when the used fasteners exhibit a...
Technical Reports
Lateral Resistance of Some New and Relay Red Oak Crossties
Keywords: Cross Ties, Gage Widening, Lateral Translation
Abstract: To explore the effect of in-service use, comparative lateral resistance tests were performed on eight red oak crossties—four 24-year-old relay (used) ties and four new ties. One...